Example sentences of "he [verb] see [art] " in BNC.

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1 He lived to see the headquarters of the organization to which he had devoted his life established in purpose-built premises on the site at the National Water Sports Centre .
2 Author of The Road to Serfdom , published — impossibly ill-timed — on the eve of Labour 's great victory in 1945 , he lived to see the crumbling of communism ; the destruction , as no doubt he saw it , of collectivism 's inner citadel .
3 Deteriorating eyesight compelled him to give up painting in 1975 , but he lived to see the beginning of a major revival of his reputation .
4 Some time afterwards he chanced to see a hobby-horse being ridden along a nearby road , and was struck with the notion of making one for himself .
5 Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes on the Lamont affair WHEN he goes to see a Shakespeare play he wants to know what happens at the end .
6 When he opened his eyes , the taste of blood sharp in his mouth , he expected to see the assassin disappearing into the shadows of the park , but the bizarre Mr Pie was standing at the kerb looking back at him .
7 He asked to see the images in the church , of which there was so much talk .
8 He asked to see the officer involved in the investigation of the earlier charge .
9 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
10 And presently revulsion gave way to indifference : he ceased to see the flaunted female bodies of advertisements and magazines because they had nothing to do with him , they were irrelevant .
11 In doing so , he failed to see a pothole in the driveway , fell off and was injured .
12 Owen , equally alarmed , was content to let it rest like that while he tried to see a way through the likely complications .
13 Never one to sit behind a desk if he could help it , he tried to see the battle front for himself , and was severely wounded .
14 He has to see a man , ’ I reminded her tonelessly .
15 We affirm on the contrary that he has to see every code including his own as criticizable in terms of ‘ Be aware ’ .
16 If he wept because he saw another world beyond sensible things , that , after all , is called ‘ Water of the Eyes ’ , then he has seen a thing which is a congener and perfecter of prayer , that is the object of prayer and his prayer is in order and even more perfect .
17 It is not likely that he has seen a pixie for himself .
18 He has seen a certain facility in my work for grading and assembling the facts .
19 This illustrates another rare story : the seer Polyeidos shut in the tomb with Minos 's dead child Glaukos , and reviving him by means of a leaf with which he has seen a snake revive its mate which he had killed .
20 " For young Gedge to say , " he said quietly , " that he has seen a person watching boys playing rounders hardly makes that person a homosexual .
21 He has seen a rise in the numbers of wild species in the area , including butterflies and birds snipe , curlew , green plover , skylark , merlin and kestrel .
22 ‘ You ca n't predict anything until he has seen the scan , but Dean is looking very doubtful , ’ England 's manager , Geoff Cooke , said .
23 In his letter to Labour MPs , Mr Foster has asked for backing on the grounds that he has seen the parliamentary party through the dark years , and now wants to guide them through better times .
24 He has seen the battalions , squadrons , tanks , infantry , and so on .
25 H. On the fish docks at Hull a retired trawler skipper , Mr Grant , tells how he has seen the port change in his lifetime .
26 How Basil Cottle 's guide to the French Cathedrals might look — when he has seen the remaining 40 episcopal seats .
27 •Verily , he has seen the light !
28 He has seen the Peliatan dancers on tour , hung his walls with posters of that photogenic island , bought records of gamelan music .
29 As the largest single shareholder in the company with 38% of the stock ( 32m shares ) , he has seen the value of his stake increase to over £65m .
30 Palace assistant manager Alan Smith confirmed : ‘ John flies out on Friday and we will know more after he has seen the surgeon over the weekend .
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