Example sentences of "he [verb] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 The goods to he sold had been piled up on the stairs where once " the possessions " had been piled ; bottles of jam and honey , heaps of hermetically sealed provisions , bottles of wine , cakes of chocolate pliable with the heat , tins of biscuits and even a few mouldy hams had been stacked against the splintered stumps which were all that now remained of the banisters Fleury had found so elegant the first evening he had entered the Residency .
2 He was simply lucky , perhaps , that the land which he sold had been allocated for residential purposes in a period when a new suburban city was coming into being .
3 He admitted to have been a virgin at twenty-two .
4 Mr Howell had debts of £500,000 even after everything he owned had been sold .
5 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
6 Mr McNeill said he has had been reading the Belfast Telegraph for years and enjoys doing the crossword first , perusing the television viewing and then gets around to reading the news .
7 Jim Harris , new president and CEO of the Santa Cruz Operation , was one of the very earliest in the door at Intel Corp , where he made his fortune : since 1988 , aside from his position on SCO 's board , he has has been occupied as a farmer in Minnesota .
8 A spokesman said : ‘ He is in fairly good condition considering what he has has been through . ’
9 Pope John Paul 's outspoken words on behalf of a church which he deems to have been ‘ driven into the catacombs ’ reflect a worried assessment by the Secretariat of State , the Vatican 's Foreign Office , that Mr Gorbachev 's authority may come under increasing threat and that the Church should therefore exploit Soviet liberalisation for all it is worth .
10 Dr Kumar has been in discussion with his former employers British Steel , who he says have been ‘ very sympathetic ’ .
11 Advertising manager Peter Matthews confirmed the review , which he says has been under way for some time .
12 First , the hon. Gentleman has suggested that the report , which he says has been leaked , is accurate , but I suggest to him and to the House that it is not .
13 He says having been there , the crash is n't over such a wide area as we thought at first .
14 The two year ban which he received has been no more than a minor inconvenience to him .
15 They argued that the principles he adopted had been politically motivated and should have had regard to the spending needs of each authority .
16 During the trial Mr O'Donnell told how he had agreed to go with McPherson , who had driven him to a lay-by at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 road , where men he recognised had been waiting in a van .
17 Thus a Dean of Durham , and an ex-Bishop of Durham , and a complicated patronage secretary who popped out of holes like a rabbit , and a doctrine of apostolic authority , and an Archbishop of York , and a desire to follow the calling of God even if it looked unlikely , winkled a professor out of a career to which he seemed to have been born .
18 He seemed to have been driving for ever .
19 He is also much younger , 23 , than I thought — he seemed to have been around a long time .
20 The reality was that he seemed to have been forgotten and nothing was going to serve as a reminder unless the kidnappers broke their silence .
21 He seemed to have been elected the most avoidable man in the clubhouse .
22 He seemed to have been stuck in this shabby , overheated room for days .
23 His face was so familiar that he seemed to have been with the production for weeks .
24 Alex Household had been excellent in the part , but , in retrospect , he seemed to have been giving an actor 's interpretation of a man fifteen years older than himself .
25 For whatever reason , Neil , who had almost looked forward to relieving his body 's urgent demands — he seemed to have been continent for years , and McAllister 's arrival in Vetch Street had most inconveniently revived his dormant senses — found that he was disgusted with himself most of all .
26 One moment Angel One had been crouched motionless as a carved statue , the next he seemed to have been transposed several feet nearer in the blink of an eye , like a faulty sequence in some badly cut movie .
27 He seemed to have been moving for an immeasurable time .
28 Despite his chosen role as a small-town shopkeeper he seemed to have been accepted on equal terms by talented cosmopolitans …
29 Each use of symbols and phrases that he quotes has been debated with ‘ real teachers ’ who have advised us on the choice that will cause the least confusion with pupils .
30 If Duncombe was himself an unaccomplished poet , he certainly laboured to promote the work of women whom he believed had been undervalued .
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