Example sentences of "he [verb] [Wh adv] she " in BNC.

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1 Had he guessed how she felt about him ?
2 He asked when she had stopped crying .
3 ‘ Have I asked you before ? ’ he asked when she refused him money .
4 ‘ Is all well ? ’ he asked when she joined him at a small table in a corner of the crowded bar .
5 When I said she was n't here , he asked where she was and I said Maidstone and he said she 'd moved and I said then I did n't know but he could leave the flowers here for Frank but he would n't .
6 ‘ Does he know how she feels ? ’
7 To this day , he wonders how she made out .
8 He told how she and Garry used to call round to his house ever Sunday for lunch .
9 He recalled how she had given a great deal of help to the group of residents who in 1981 formed Project ‘ 81 — now the Hampshire Centre for Independent Living — which developed a structure to enable disabled people to leave residential care and live in the community .
10 He recognised how she felt and did nothing to encourage it .
11 She buried her face against him , afraid to say any more in case he guessed how she felt , and he gathered her close , reaching out to switch off the lamps .
12 Marc , naturally assuming the head of the table , frowned when he saw where she had placed herself , but said nothing .
13 He saw how she bridled at the question , but saw also how the truth forbade her to say yes .
14 He saw how she looked about her ; how her eyes kept going to the saddle .
15 He saw how she relaxed — or tried to , for there was still a part of her that held out against him — and smiled inwardly .
16 ‘ Besides , ’ he said , ‘ I did n't think he knew where she lived .
17 As he accompanied her out of the hospital and towards his car , it did not occur to Kate to ask how he knew where she was .
18 Then he knew where she was — or would be , moments after he committed himself in one direction : behind him .
19 And then he knew why she had come .
20 Hofmeyr believed he knew why she acted like this .
21 Under his gaze she had to go to the sitting-room where she had slept , while he knew why she went and knelt by the sleeping-bag , which was only just out of his line of sight .
22 She felt she must make sure he knew why she was doing this — for Marguerite alone and not because she seemed to be unable to resist when he held her .
23 His tone was grave , but there was a twinkle in his eye as though , heaven forbid , he knew why she could n't seem to keep off the subject of his personal relationships .
24 She had her eyes on the figure striding across the hall towards the telephone table , and the look on her face caused him to close his own eyes for a moment , for he knew how she had taken what Martin had said : although it had been voiced lightly it was meant to have serious intent , and in her own mind his marrying would mean once again that she would have notice to quit .
25 He knew how she must be feeling , and he hated her .
26 ‘ Very , thank you , ’ she said , wondering what his reaction would be if he knew how she had spent the past hour .
27 Yet he occupies his own space while Philippa wavers all around hers and he dances where she stumbles and sings where she lectures and lives , just lives , where she prods , activates , teaches .
28 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
29 He understood why she did n't move .
30 He understood how she needed me when war broke out and most of the men were away , he realized I would n't feel able to go back to England and abandon her .
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