Example sentences of "he [verb] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 It stated the soldier 's undying love for his wife but also made it plain that he realised that they could not live in harmony , so they had better not see each other .
2 He realised that they were unlikely to pinpoint a genuine agent in that way , but their familiarity with the Belfast scene was unnerving .
3 Then he realised that they were referring to their own attack on him .
4 He realised that they could n't put the fire out and that something was going to happen .
5 Quiss experienced the tiniest moment of fear , then savage anger , and was about to go down fighting — take as many of the little bastards with him as he could — when he realised that they were bowing and wringing their hands and making apologetic noises , not howling angry ones .
6 Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge , along with underdone toast and margarine , had the overwhelming attraction of being free .
7 Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered that they were both calling to him , Hank and Ma together .
8 Is the Minister satisfied that the 1987 guidelines are still sufficiently detailed and effective , or does he think that they ought now to be updated ?
9 He agreed that they could disembark at Peterborough and wait for the 2.30pm train .
10 Jan Rowe says he has nothing against badgers in general and he appreciates that they are not affecting very big areas or all that many farms when viewed nationally .
11 He insists that they have to go so real equality can be achieved and the class structure ended .
12 When he insists that they must have names , she agrees to call him ‘ Someone ’ and allows him to call her ‘ Something ’ .
13 In a speech made to one group he argued that they had need to ‘ give up some of [ their ] justifiable rage ’ ( Independent 1989 ) .
14 He argued that they consisted of a material substance , the ‘ germ plasm ’ , which transmitted characters from parents to offspring via the nucleus of the egg and sperm cells .
15 This quiet group of people looked so simple and unassuming that at first he could not think what made them interesting to him , and then he realized that they gave every appearance of complete sincerity .
16 Although he mistrusted the policeman , he realized that they could have both died if the Citation had crashed .
17 Then , as they approached , he realized that they were looking not at him , but past him at something farther off .
18 The man looked around him again , as if he expected that they were being watched .
19 Although Mr Hornsby was quick to stress that the investors have held a dialogue with the Revenue and have nothing to hide , he admitted that they got ‘ very upset ’ when letters from the Revenue began arriving .
20 He admitted that they were from Camilla but passed them off as a simple gesture of friendship .
21 After hesitating a moment , he admitted that they were all detector finds .
22 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
23 Now , erm my Right Honourable Friend is very keen to see these alterations which we ha which he has proposed erm become erm to take effect , because he thinks that they are right and because a great deal of effort has gone into get it right .
24 When my hon. Friend next meets Ministers from Guyana and other countries , will he explain that they should buy British goods because they are best ?
25 Instead , he found that they were still in Portugal , where their captains had become involved in the war against the Moors .
26 He found that they caused radiation effects such as reddening of the skin , conjunctivitis and the fogging of photographic plates , though tests showed that the level of traditional radiation was normal .
27 On experimenting , he found that they were all within the frequency range of 256 to 320 cycles per second , and speculated that such sounds were capable of being transduced to boost the earth current .
28 In 1770/71 Lagrange set about analysing the various methods then known for dealing with the general equations of degrees 2 , 3 , 4 and he found that they all depended on the same general principle ( see Section 5.2 ) .
29 He hated pomp and humbug , and he resigned from the National Academy of Sciences because he found that they spent most of their time deciding which other scientists should be admitted to the Academy .
30 As Cuvier began to study the more ancient fossils , he found that they were increasingly unlike anything known in the world today .
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