Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He recognized his limitations , but he made little attempt to develop another technique .
2 Only last year , on the instructions of Luther Reynolds , David had brought the boy out of the mines and begun to teach him the way of business ; Matthew often accompanied him on his rounds , and though he made little attempt to befriend David , the boy worked , and learned , and spent so many hours closeted in the ‘ den ’ with the old man , that Beth was obliged to voice her concern .
3 He made loud wailing noises as he sailed back and forth over the wall , missing the top by inches .
4 A friend of his who was a district nurse in the area where he lived once spotted him chatting to a shopkeeper in his usual congenial fashion .
5 Legend has it that ZEUS granted the boy immortality on condition that he remain forever slumbering .
6 NIGEL MANSELL last night gave a glimpse of how much he will miss Formula One when he limped forward to collect his World Drivers ' Championship trophy at a glittering ceremony in Paris .
7 He turns away to face the sea .
8 Her husband , Avery George , denied similar charges , which were dismissed after after he agreed never to keep animals again .
9 But he dropped a key ring containing a picture of himself and his girlfriend as he crept upstairs to steal the woman 's jewellery .
10 He goes straight to work .
11 He goes right thought for ages and he thought right what do I really need ?
12 And erm , he throws the corn on the cob , he goes inside gets a drink , eats some food cos there 's loads of food cos you know and he goes outside and he goes quick , quick , quick loads of food , loads of food , quick , come on , come on , come on , loads of food !
13 God he goes early does n't he ?
14 He goes there talking about paper sovereignty , when the country 's real sovereignty is increasingly dependent on the actions of our European Community partners .
15 Harvey said , ‘ Not when you are around maybe , but when he goes across to see the Wilsons ’ cat … ’
16 He goes now turn round and go to sleep !
17 If the patient has poor balance , he sits well supported on the plinth , with his feet flat on the floor .
18 He sits there looking like John Knox being unimpressed by Mary Stuart , and just as I think he 'll never let me increase my overdraft he says , ‘ Aye , life 's not easy for a woman alone with no head for business .
19 He sits there sucking on a dead cheroot , staring at the board like he 's forgotten a phone number .
20 He sits there panting er it 's not Warren it is Wesley , alright ?
21 well he sits there talking at dinner times well then when she goes
22 so he sits there erm , and you know you involve in our conversation , but he sits there talking to her and then he sort of feels out of it and then he storms off
23 He darned nearly did it .
24 Castle of Sadaba , Saragossa , and one of El Cid 's strongholds from which he rode forth to attack the Moorish cities and castles .
25 He fought hard to overcome his disability and established the W. H. Ross Foundation for the Study and Prevention of Blindness in Edinburgh in 1935 .
26 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
27 If Moby became nervous or anxious , I suggested Jeanne and John tried to ignore it and simply jolly him along unless he became overtly upset , in which case they were to offer short , protective verbal reassurance , insist gently on a ‘ sit ’ , then gradually lead him off again toward the object or person which had spooked him .
28 Ghatak wanted to combine insights from Marxism with elements from India thought , as well as the work of Jung , with which he became increasingly fascinated .
29 He became increasingly agitated .
30 He became increasingly attached to an almost Greek sense of the hero , but recast in a mould similar to Nietzsche 's superman .
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