Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His more general position is perhaps best summed up by an extract from the speech he made at 3.10 in the morning of 20 May 1992 during the Second Reading of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill .
2 The drawings he made at various ports of call provide the main burden of this show arranged by the Goethe-Institut .
3 It traces Alfie 's career on the field with Downpatrick and Ireland and his rise to the top of officialdom 's tree , highlighting the impact he made for essential change in promoting the game and in the need for better communication .
4 It traces Alfie 's career on the field with Downpatrick and Ireland and his rise to the top of officialdom 's tree , highlighting the impact he made for essential change in promoting the game and in the need for better communication .
5 It features new stone sculptures intended to be shown outdoors as well as in the gallery , a new red ‘ Void ’ from that continuing series of wall sculptures , one of which was shown in Kapoor 's pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1990 , and material related to the stage designs which he made for recent performances by dancer Laurie Booth at the Queen Elizabeth Hall .
6 Most of them seemed to be the kind that took the prepaid cards that he never had , but there were a couple of pay booths at the end of the row and he made for those .
7 Muttering incomprehensibly , he made for some bushes where he disappeared from Emily 's view .
8 Of the speeches he made on these occasions we have such various descriptions it is impossible to be sure what he actually said .
9 Apart from the inherent implausibility of this claim , Althusser argues that if Marx were to defend it he would be vulnerable to the very criticism which he made of classical economy .
10 Samuel Whitfield Daukes was his name , and what a very fine job he made of this rambling Gothic house of flint with its stone dressings , its ‘ Tudor ’ windows with their mullions and transomes , and its jolly carved bargeboards .
11 He tried to set up the League of Princes , an international peace-keeping force aimed primarily against the Turks , and the exhibition shows the route of the journeys he made to other countries to promote the idea .
12 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
13 Recent controversies have resulted in the hearing of a court case against the art historian Professor James Beck from Columbia University in the US , for remarks he made about recent restoration work on a famous Italian sculpture .
14 SEVE BALLESTEROS yesterday extended the hand of sympathy to Scotland 's leading golfer , Colin Montgomerie , who has been fined £1,000 for comments he made about last week 's Moroccan Open .
15 Central to Peter Slade 's theory of child drama was the distinction he made between personal and projected play ( or drama ) .
16 He made over fifty first ascents of peaks between the Jotunheim and the North Cape .
17 He made over forty transcriptions of the sonnets ‘ as the best presents I could offer to those , who had in any way won my regard ’ , and in his own poetic experiments of the next few years found an important model in the work of the now-forgotten Wiltshire priest .
18 He remembered the brackish stream where he had fished for pinkeens with — who was it , Tommy Murtagh and Seanin Carty ? — and the mercifully short walk to the National School that in good weather he made in bare feet over stony roads , with in winter a sod of turf for the schoolroom fire crushing the jam sandwich in his satchel .
19 In a Don Featherstone South Bank Show ( LWT ) of high quality and unusual form , the novelist Thomas Keneally recreated in 1989 a research trip through Eritrea which he made in 1987 while gestating his new book Towards Asmara .
20 Should not the right hon. Gentleman now apologise for the false promises that he made in 1991 ?
21 He was a brilliant but also a tortured thinker , in many ways a solitary and tragic figure , his personality marked by a tendency to depression , and by the decision he made in 1843 to break off his engagement to Regine Olsen .
22 Kenneth More told me of the unfortunate happenings on the set of The Mercenaries which he made in 1966 in Jamaica with Hollywood star ( though Australian born ) Rod Taylor and American football star Jim Brown .
23 He learned to knit clothes for himself and others , and on the wall of his Stuttgart home there hung a big , beautifully designed and stitched carpet which he made in 1952 while recovering from an illness .
24 He was fortunate not to be in prison for debt for , on the tour of British prisons which he made in 1812 , James Neild of The Thatched House Society , found debtors were discriminated against .
25 Douglas Young reports from the Berlin Film Festival on several exciting discoveries he made among this year 's entries ( and some he wishes he had n't )
26 He pounced on that instantly .
27 In Wasmes he lived at first with a baker called Jean-Baptiste Denis and his wife Esther .
28 He had two substantial houses ( in London he lived at 27 Queen 's Gate until 1913 , when he bought 93 Eaton Square , a still larger house with — an uncharacteristic touch for Baldwin — a more fashionable address ) and plenty of money with which to run them and do anything else he wanted .
29 He lived at nearby Whaddon Hall , also built in his beloved Gothic style .
30 Towards the end of his life he bought Wood House with its estate at Wood Lane , Shepherd 's Bush , where he lived with two cousins , Amelia and Maria Bridge .
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