Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 My mother was so dazzled she never even thought to question him about his job , but she grew to live for the visits he made daily to the shop .
2 In this way he even controverts the view that he lived up to the feared role of private sector financial disciplinarian when he brought qualified accountants for the first time into the head office .
3 Leeds have agreed to pay Wigan £5,000 for every five first-team games he plays up to a maximum of £25,000 .
4 He plays up to them , producing shocking ideas and attitudes which he lets himself half believe .
5 ‘ Quite a looker , ’ he whispered back to Petion .
6 " If my father decides to beat me for what I did , " he whispered fiercely to himself , " please help me to endure the pain and not to cry .
7 Mr Pumblechook dared not protest but he whispered angrily to me before he turned away , ‘ Boy !
8 He limped over to the window , pulled the curtains across and looked down .
9 He limped over to Grimma , catching hold of a thorn twig to steady himself .
10 Shielding his eyes against the dust and heat with an upraised arm , he limped back to the corner and peered round .
11 For having achieved his object he turns again to his other interests .
12 On the one hand he turns almost to abstraction , ‘ a vast menace of despair ’ , as also to an image of the un-existence of evil , a ‘ huge shadow ’ which Gandalf tries to send back to ‘ nothingness ’ .
13 The major question thus always remains unanswered in the Critique : every time that Sartre announces that he is about to proceed with the fundamental problem of how History can be a totalization without a totalizer , he turns back to a previous , more easily intelligible stage on the way .
14 He turns back to Howard .
15 He turns back to her .
16 He turns back to the patient , his expression gentle again — there is no trace of a professional ‘ caring ’ in his words or the jarring chord of insincere concern in his voice .
17 Or if there is , he turns out to be impossible to live with , ’ she says .
18 Nine times out of 10 , however improbably , he turns out to be right .
19 He turns out to be right .
20 ‘ If he turns out to be a feeder for the kidnappers , ’ explained the Captain , ‘ he 'd be too easy to replace if we showed any interest in him . ’
21 But he turns out to be a devastatingly good campaigner .
22 He might look 17 going on 23 but , even if he turns out to be nearly as old as he appears , it will not render the three wickets he took on his debut as void .
23 Windeler said , ‘ What if he turns out to be working for the Americans ? ’
24 ‘ If he turns out to be like Kenny , then great .
25 If he turns out to be half as good as David then he 'll be a very good batsman indeed . ’
26 His counterpart in ‘ Pride and Prejudice ’ — George Wickham — stands also for the rejection of society 's standards , but he turns out to be a rake and a liar — a totally unsuitable match for any of the Longbourne girls .
27 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
28 JTR and I parted company at Rothesay ; he to go on to Arran on the Iona and me to zigzag over there via Wemyss Bay and Ardrossan ferries .
29 The drums then took up a regular beat as he stalked back to the coffin .
30 Phil Allman , Service Manager at Pest Control London North , never sees his name in print although he contributes regularly to this publication .
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