Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] time " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the '70s and '80s he divided his time between being a minister , a gospel musician and a guitar-maker .
2 He divided his time between Stainford and London , where he lived next to Dyers ' Hall at Thames Street .
3 He divided his time between his houses in London and Streatley and a villa in the South of France .
4 Until June last year he divided his time between his home in Thornaby and the Newcastle HQ of the Northern Regional Councils ' Association .
5 He was lazy , he wasted his time , he was an ugly , pale little boy with a permanently running nose .
6 Evil may have intelligence , but the Devil 's strategies against the church are not , it seems to me , to be understood as rational military strategies , rather they are more like desperate and increasingly vicious attacks ( does he know his time is short ? ) .
7 In Paris he found that the lecturers did not as in Edinburgh confine themselves to one hour , but generally took an hour and a half or two hours ; but he found his time there very valuable .
8 He devoted his time to the completion of the mansion and pleasure gardens at Alton Towers begun by his uncle , who had made the place his home .
9 A two-acre garden surrounded the house , and here he devoted his time to horticultural experiments , among them the one that produced the apple bearing his name , Cox 's Orange Pippin .
10 Thereafter during the 1820s and 1830s he greatly expanded the firm 's architectural side — following his father 's death in 1827 he devoted his time entirely to architecture , leaving the management of the marble works to his younger brother Francis — and established a substantial practice in the north-west and the adjacent parts of Yorkshire .
11 He joined the Young Communist League , and although he did attend lectures , he used his time in London as an opportunity to deepen his commitment to the abolition of poverty by establishing communism in England .
12 He says its time Henley was given a break .
13 He did not discuss his ordeal with Ranulf or the Prior , although he told them time and again that all was well and let them order his life , content to drift , think and reflect .
14 He told them time was running out , but it is clear Milosevic , boosted by his recent election victory , is determined to spread the war and his power .
15 He invests his time arid effort as well as money in getting the best people and getting the best from them , in getting the best equipment and getting the best from it .
16 Look at Elvis , he had everything that a man could desire , looks , talent , wealth — but after he 'd eaten all the cheeseburgers he could swallow , when he got bored chasing young girls in white panties , how did he spend his time ?
17 Kersey looked at Wycliffe , expecting some question or comment and when none came he went on : ‘ So where did he spend his time after lunch each Sunday ? ’
18 He bided his time until there was an opportunity to seek her out .
19 Stalin was usually cautious and calculating in his foreign policy and if he bided his time , Korea would almost certainly fall into the Soviet orbit .
20 He spent his time putting down on odd scraps of vellum his different thoughts on what he had learnt over the past few weeks .
21 He spent his time looking for a Jewish homeland that was not Palestine .
22 Because he was so far ahead in his first year , he spent his time on other things .
23 That he very rarely said he loved you rang a warning bell , as did the fact that you appeared to think he spent his time alone if he was n't with you .
24 He spent his time in bed , lying on his left side as it was the only position in which the pain was slightly eased .
25 His weight increased as he spent his time at the club in conversation , and occasionally at Lord 's for matches and dinner gatherings .
26 And off she went , driving carefully , through South London , and east , and under the river , and north , and up the A113 , towards the Garfield Centre , thinking of Brian frying up the cold boiled potatoes for himself and their son Sam , chopping parsley , frying eggs and bacon , delicious ; Brian handled the frying pan as confidently as he handled the car , eggs never broke for Brian , he had a firm grasp of the material world , of pan handles and gear levers and of her own warm body , of garden spades and wayward boilers , of carving knives and power drills and saws and scissors and invisible screws ; he treated all these things as his friends and allies , an Ideal Husband , she sometimes teased him : and yet , and yet , he spent his days and his nights teaching abstractions , he spent his time with words , words , words .
27 He has given very little account of how he spent his time , but he has said he spent the majority of that time with a travelling circus , both in this country and in the Irish Republic .
28 He spent his time thinking sadly about his friends in Pentonville .
29 Instead , he spent his time taking apart clocks and listening to Western classical music and preferred the study of physics to business .
30 Instead of getting on with the business of making toilet water , he spent his time on the racecourse and worse .
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