Example sentences of "he [pn reflx] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having been reminded that the bookies ' smoke signals usually signify a lot more than just grandiose waves of their Havana cigars , Ramsden then revealed that he himself might have been inadvertantly responsible for the Travelling Light rumour .
2 Half-jokingly , but with a certain edge , Moran said that Great Meadow was so deserted that he himself might have to remove himself before long to her house .
3 When his daughter Nannette inverted that action to make her down-striking action , she included the check , completing her father 's piano action as he himself might have done had he seen Gottfried Silbermann 's pianos , or indeed those of Cristofori , rather than those of Johann Heinrich Silbermann .
4 Ellwood shrugged , grinning , as if he himself might fill the role .
5 The main prosecution witness , former Bank of Crete chairman George Koskotas , was in prison in the United States and fighting extradition to Greece where he himself would face charges .
6 For morals we wait until the next chapter but there will be the same dependence on spontaneity whenever I choose on behalf of someone else what I think he himself would want in his own interests .
7 Murray decided that he himself would go after the usurper , as was suitable , the lawful Regent after the false king , with perhaps one thousand hard-riding Border mosstroopers who knew the country , whilst the rest of the Scots army went on down Annandale after the main enemy force .
8 Later on Dec. 17 Fabius requested the National Assembly to convene a special session to vote on his indictment , which he said he himself would vote for .
9 And he himself would telephone Laetitia to tell her .
10 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
11 But his father decided that he himself would marry a third wife , and that his son could wait another year or two .
12 He himself would visit Balbinder at his present school .
13 They certainly bore no relationship to the eminently satisfactory compensation and pension which he himself would receive .
14 He himself would see what tricks the blanc had to save himself .
15 But I do n't think that he himself would see it as a failure at all .
16 Soon their own children would be born and he himself would become superfluous , an old man sitting in the chimney corner whom no one thought it worth their while to consult .
17 He himself would put the fear of God into the professors of Königsberg and Breslau ; I was to do the same thing in Danzig .
18 He himself would have been desperately pushed if he had had to manage on two-thirds of his salary until Christmas every year .
19 It is not what he himself would have wanted .
20 The press would have had a field day , and what Frank did n't realize is that he himself would have been a laughing stock .
21 In 1534 , according to a report from John Hussey to Lord Lisle , Henry VIII announced that if offices were being sold , as they daily were , he himself would have the advantage from it .
22 But he could not have guessed that , almost fifty years later , Eliot would be loaded with honours and with happiness while he himself would have retreated into a silence of guilt and despair .
23 He himself would have gone anywhere to see a set of tack of strange cut or history .
24 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
25 Only he himself can decide where his happiness lies .
26 TV MAGICIAN Paul Daniels has shocked his fans by claiming Jesus 's miracles were just magic tricks which he himself can perform .
27 The millionaire entertainer was unavailable for comment yesterday , but in the interview he claimed Jesus 's miracles were all magic tricks , which he himself can perform .
28 a right to take wreck or treasure trove ) against anyone who seizes the goods before he himself can take them .
29 Around him cluster characters who are immortal , like Elrond or Legolas , who can make fire or ride on eagles , while he himself can summon the dead .
30 But he himself must oversee the Prince of Wales 's table .
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