Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He shakes his head like he ca n't understand summat , then he lets go of my hand .
2 It is not obviously the twitch but he does admit to a ‘ fear of missing . ’
3 Mr Sehayek insists that the Arabic service 's output is not dictated by the Israeli government , but he does admit to ‘ close co-operation ’ .
4 However , having travelled to the North Pole with artist Andy Goldsworthy in 1989 , he does admit to a penchant for the South Pole .
5 For the main part , he has financed his habit throughout by working , although he does admit to dealing occasionally when work was scarce .
6 In this first contribution , he does n't talk about ‘ being fourteen or older ’ or ‘ Edinburgh ’ , but he does talk about ‘ starting work as a bricklayer ’ ( when I was fourteen or older , in Edinburgh ) and , as a co-operative conversationalist , he would have to state explicitly if the information ‘ being fourteen or older , in Edinburgh ’ was not applicable .
7 Cos now of course we 're talking about the whole cosmos , the everything that there is , the all , the whole erm and then , you 're right , he does talk about erm erm body at one er extraordinary point he talks about body , the relation of body and soul being that of a er fishing net er floating through the ocean and erm the ocean is soul and this fishing net is er body floating erm through it .
8 If he does lean on Graham again after tomorrow , then I 'll stand up and be counted .
9 yes whereas Martin although it is his job but he does tend to be a little bit more difficult than he needs to be .
10 highways and that sort of thing , and he does go to Farnsfield , and he does go to Oxford and back , and really all you need do is just send him , you need n't send him the minutes here , you just send him the notice of the meeting
11 highways and that sort of thing , and he does go to Farnsfield , and he does go to Oxford and back , and really all you need do is just send him , you need n't send him the minutes here , you just send him the notice of the meeting
12 He still looked a bit dubious and David said , ‘ One thing you can tell Len , something I forgot , was that I made enquiries today about his parrot and it appears that if he does go to Conway House he 'll be able to take the parrot with him .
13 But he does offer in introduction a long and original dissertation on his subject in literature .
14 Roland is the emblem of the Old Town : he does appear to be trespassing , but the Old Town originally paid for the upkeep of the bridge , so they are here staking out their territory .
15 In a light tone , she suggested , ‘ He does appear to be wholly dependent on his godmother . ’
16 Twenty-year-old left winger Michael Smith , once of Liverpool and Tranmere Rovers , made a quiet debut on Thursday night against Monaghan but he does appear to be a good crosser of the ball which might help alleviate Derry 's pressing lack of balance on that side of play .
17 Sir he does answer on conditional bail today .
18 This time , he does not expect to unseat the Tory incumbent , Mr Robert Adley , who got 35,656 votes in 1987 — against Labour 's 5,174 and the SDP 's 13,282 — but he does hope for a big swing to Labour .
19 Moreover when he does refer to ideology it is not to develop the concept or incorporate it into his analysis of capitalism but to refer back to the tyranny of ideas and the emptiness of idealism ( e.g. in the Grundrisse , Marx 1973 : 164 ) .
20 Field 's form though , O'Conor admits , is suspect — ‘ when he does shift into extraordinary keys , he sometimes does n't stay there long enough .
21 He does deserve to be given more of a chance !
22 Be good actually if he does sleep in the bed cos then we can go in the summer .
23 He does feel for the young man .
24 He does care about his own looks , but not in the conventional way .
25 He does care about the critical flak coming his way from the music press though .
26 Though his ‘ City ’ is put forward as a remedy for secular , increasingly industrial-urban values , he does conceive of it as including non-Christians , though these he hopes would be a minority .
27 But what he does mean by it can not be identified , at least in any simple way , with the actual beliefs or attitudes which caused it .
28 For a man who started life as a ‘ Scythian shepherd ’ , he is incredibly intelligent and he does speak as if he were a prince .
29 If he does think about the pictures , he accepts everything I say .
30 One important theoretical issue arises from this : Cable 's arguments compel him on occasion to scan lines yielding more syllables than the spelling might indicate ( p. 79 ) , and he does confess to an " agnosticism " concerning the status of " the text " .
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