Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Tracing this back to the seventeenth century , he points out that in such times , it is ‘ always those crimes that are associated with the materially disadvantaged underclass which have provided the continuing thread within this history of respectable fears …
2 In an interview in the magazine Director to be published this week , Dr Runcie denies that there are ‘ tensions and suspicions ’ between Lambeth Palace and 10 Downing Street , but he points out that the Church of England is active in parts of the country where the Conservative Party has little support .
3 Lévy-Bruhl links rain-making with Christian practice ; writing of the aboriginal intichiuma ceremonies he points out that ‘ Nothing is more widespread than practices having as their object the cessation of drought , and the assurance of rain : ( we see this even yet in our own Rogations ) …
4 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
5 He points out that petrol is now very cheap : if , in real terms , it were to be the equivalent price of a decade ago it would cost over £4 a gallon .
6 He points out that an animal 's life span is linked to its metabolic rate .
7 He points out that such a provision bans any invasion of sovereign territory , air space and maritime zones , even where there might seem to be good grounds .
8 He points out that of some 200 applications of force by the United States , only five have been ‘ solemnified ’ ( his word ) by a declaration of war .
9 Now a left-leaning Solidarity MP with close ties to trade unionists , he points out that the only choice is between more recession and less recession .
10 He points out that AT&T 's computer business has repeatedly failed , something which even AT&T admits .
11 He points out that in 1960 , married black women could have expected to have 3.49 children ; if they had continued to reproduce at this rate , the out-of-wedlock rate among black women would have increased from 23% in 1960 to just 29% in 1987 , and gone almost unnoticed .
12 He points out that sometimes we have control over our ideas , and sometimes not : often we can set ourselves to imagine what we want ; at other times , however , as in broad daylight , ‘ it is not in my power to … determine what particular objects shall present themselves to my view ’ .
13 He points out that this was about 5% more than the level of performance during the years 1988 to 1990 .
14 As a member of the legal profession , he points out that the three-year limitation period on claims for injury or death does not run out until a week tomorrow .
15 He points out that the ratio of housing debt to income is historically high , while Labour 's plans would hit the average mortgage holder in the South .
16 He points out that the pencils are notoriously difficult to get , and says the simple fact is that the judges have not seen sufficient innovation .
17 Although the World Cup was ‘ mentally a strain ’ , he points out that little batting was required , so well did England bowl .
18 He points out that in many areas , especially service industries , organisations have improved their efficiency and effectiveness and increased the perception of quality by getting the clients to do the work — self-service outlets are an obvious example .
19 Wrangham comments : ‘ We may thus find the first evidence that so-called abnormal sexual behaviour may have a biological function ’ ; but he points out that a number of issues need to be resolved .
20 Frankly admitting that ‘ parliament is no longer the centre of power that it was ’ , he points out that the only political orator left in France is Le Pen , who is not a deputé .
21 However , he points out that the effects of the testosterone rises appear to affect men more than women — in a study in the United States it was found that teenage boys felt sexier when their testosterone levels were high , whereas their female counterparts were more affected by peer group activity ( ie what their friends were doing ) .
22 He is also conscious of more international trends in higher education such as the encouragement of adult and continuing education — he points out that the city state of Berlin would be particularly well-suited to conduct experiments in the use of techniques such as cable television .
23 He points out that it is impossible to stop it completely : ‘ There is no way to protect the electronic pulse .
24 He points out that ‘ industrial production can give rise to substantial aerosols , particularly at the stage of downstream processing where centrifugal separators , for example , are often used …
25 He points out that as well as being more durable than paint , epoflex contains no solvents and so is non-polluting .
26 He points out that our veins have one-way valves in them .
27 He points out that a lot of abstract painting uses harsh shapes and that most people do not like it , preferring curves and gentle changes of outline direction .
28 But he points out that recent high points must be put into context : ‘ The current colour magazine campaign began in 1980 and is as strong now as then . ’
29 But he points out that what decided the issue was Peter 's laying the irrefutable facts of the matter before them so that ‘ when they heard this their doubts were silenced ’ .
30 But he points out that if satyāgraha is used in an unjust cause then only the person who uses it suffers .
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