Example sentences of "he [was/were] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
2 Although Lowe under Dr. Watson had also learnt enough speech to make himself understood by members of his family , he was to say that his usual method of communicating with his family was by his fingers , and with strangers , by writing .
3 If they were stopped by the police and her basket was searched , he was to say that he knew nothing about the newspapers — she made him agree to this arrangement if he wanted to accompany her on her clandestine journeys .
4 Yet only weeks ago he was saying that existing derelict land was needed for greening the cities , and providing amenities for citizens .
5 By 1971 he was saying that , as artists :
6 He was saying that in order to have a greater life , you have to have a strong awareness of death .
7 He was saying that the very fact of being alive inevitably leads us to experience doubts , fears , anxiety .
8 He was saying that the gods had so far been unkind , that they might turn kind , but that what the gods did for him was secondary to what they might do for Niki , a remark that turned out to be prophetic .
9 I have spoken to Ian Wright extensively about this and he was saying that Hendrix was one of his three musical idols .
10 It may be said that the Financial Secretary 's reference to the taxpayers being liable to tax as under the pre-existing law ( i.e. , under the Finance Act 1948 , section 39 as re-enacted by the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970 ) shows that he was saying that the position was unchanged : nothing the Minister said could effect the proper construction of legislation already on the statute book .
11 Somebody once said that if angelism , sharing the gospel was one beggar telling another beggar about bread , where it could be found and undoubtedly when he was saying that he was thinking of that story that account that we had read to us earlier from the second book of kings , chapter seven , and I 'd like us to er turn back to us for a few moments this morning and perhaps draw some lessons for ourselves Sometimes as Christians its very easier for us to say what sins are , and we can see other people 's failings , you do n't have to be a Christian to do that of course , plenty of other people can do that , they see the failings of other people , they see the wrong doing they do , they see their wickedness their , their waywardness , whatever words we want to use to describe it , and we say well that is sin , perhaps for most of us this morning we could make er a list a , a , a tabulate a table of sins and we might say well they are worse sins and there are lesser sins and I would I suppose by and large there would be a fairly reasonable consensus of opinion regarding what was sins and what were not sins .
12 Now he was saying that although we were too young to talk of real love he hoped we would see each other alone and not always surrounded by friends .
13 I wa I was talking to erm Mr the other day and he was saying that when he started at the Co-op it was a , a very , very good place to work .
14 He was saying that I had a better disguise than he did .
15 ‘ What ? ’ she gasped , so shocked at what he was saying that for a moment she could n't do anything other than stare at him with her mouth open .
16 ‘ You c-ca n't … ’ she spluttered , trying not to panic that , if she 'd got it right — and she could n't see how else this swine of a man could threaten her — he was saying that her job was on the line !
17 he was saying that he was frightened of Jack Meridew , who treated him like a punch bag .
18 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
19 Well it 's funny because erm , when we saw Ken the other day he was saying that erm his niece rang him up and erm she 's er she 's gon na be in Crewe this weekend for a friend 's wedding and , I think she must be coming up with some , some other girl as well , because the two of them , he said , I 'm taking two young ladies out on Sunday for lunch where 's a good place for a Sunday lunch you see ?
20 And he was saying that it 's erm a speaking dic dictionary , that 's what they 're going to researching for
21 No but if he was saying that about Hunan well what chance do we stand if we 're not even , you know
22 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
23 Erm he , he then goes on basically erm to talk about spreading political propaganda which was obviously very important to his cause erm an and he was saying that basically , you know , suddenly with the rise of er peasant associations erm everyone would , would say down with imperialism , down with the warlords , down with the corrupt officials erm , you know , and that these , you know , basically he , he 's then highlighting the fact that these political slogans have , have found erm have found , you know you know er importance with the , with the young the middle aged an and the old but basically obviously he 's , he 's trying to target the school because that 's where he 's hoping where the re revolution 'll start .
24 Erm , he he he was saying that his young boy of eight , he does n't allow to play out alone .
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