Example sentences of "he [was/were] in the " in BNC.

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1 Then there was Whistler , who strode doggedly on in a frayed tweed overcoat , summer and winter , always with his head down as if he were in the teeth of a gale , shrilly whistling — in perfect tune — a repertoire which extended from old music hall to Elgar .
2 Jo contemplates the great cross on its summit , ‘ the crowning confusion of the great , confused city ; — so golden , so high up , so far out of reach ’ , BH 19 ; its picture , ‘ with a pink dome ’ , on the lid of Peggotty 's work-box , DC 2 ; David and Peggotty visit it , DC 33 ; its ‘ deep bell ’ , DC 47 ; Master Humphrey inspects the cathedral clock , ‘ the great Heart of London ’ , MHC 6 ; John Browdie marvels at the building 's size , NN 39 ; statues of the apostles on its exterior , NN 45 ; Oliver in Fagin 's den as lonely as if he were in the ball on top of the cathedral , OT 18 .
3 If he were in the very act of cutting his own throat , how could Harry have stopped him ?
4 She called Alexandra ‘ Charlotte ’ and spoke of far off things , but of Richard even more often , usually as if he were in the room with her .
5 Moments later her father answered the call , his voice coming as clearly as if he were in the same room , and even loudly enough for Silas to hear it .
6 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
7 Writing as he was in the 1930s , he expressed his pleasure at the extensive documentation and reference material available to the student of art , instancing the growth of libraries and art historical teaching .
8 Patrick is a lord of language , as he was in the previous novel .
9 We did n't see a lot of Father that year because he was in the Government .
10 By this time , he was in the second phase of his Jewish formation - that of the Mishnah , and attending his Yeshiva with some diligence , if not zest .
11 He was in the Lilian Baylis 1937 season at the Old Vic and returned to the Westminster for Pygmalion , Richard III , and more O'Neill , including a memorable portrayal of the old Ephraim Cabot in Desire Under The Elms in 1940 .
12 His earlier successful damages claim arose when he was in the prison 's hospital wing convalescing after abdominal surgery at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary as a result of the beating .
13 He was in the Department of Law at the Keele University for nearly 20 years and the university was his home .
14 He had one redeeming feature — his very good nature , except when he was in the boxing ring or after a few whiskies , when everyone gave him a wide berth .
15 In December 1927 , while he was in the midst of his darkness , and in june 1928 when he was better , the House of Commons rejected a proposal , carried by large majorities in the Church bodies , for a new prayer book , which was the old prayer book , from the age of King Charles II , modestly revised in a pastoral spirit long after the time when it needed revision .
16 But because he was in the middle of his mental stress he suffered a disaster .
17 This operation ( 1960 ) seriously delayed him , for it left one eye permanently damaged , and he was in the Purey-Cust nursing home by the minster in York and then had a convalescence of several weeks .
18 He was in the Fleet Air Arm .
19 He was in the same mould as Neubauer , the Mercedes manager : not flamboyant , but an ice-cold organiser , logical and rational .
20 He was in the Border Police then , ’ Bodo said .
21 Waiting he was in the gold and brown of the Palast , himself immaculate , pink , flashing his smile as he complimented Erika on her appearance and , in her leather coat and with her fur hat at a rakish angle , and her face glowing with health , Erika deserved the compliment .
22 He offered them to the editor of the one periodical which , by this stage , he was in the habit of reading : a High Church weekly , since defunct , called The Guardian .
23 The Prince felt he was in the company of someone very special , took great delight in time spent talking to him , and was inspired by all that he heard .
24 He had formed what later became the Prince 's Trust while he was in the Navy , and the grants that went out in the early years were paid for , anonymously , out of his naval allowance .
25 He was in the office offering wise counsel , encouraging a forward look a weekend or two before he died .
26 Certainly he was never again to be as actively interested in the company as he was in the late 1940s .
27 By the end of the war , he was in the RAF , and his cousin had died in Italy .
28 The day was fabulous and David performed extremely well although he was in the blackest of moods .
29 It is assumed that Mr Cojuangco would then become chairman of San Miguel , as he was in the Marcos days .
30 He was in the company of his Percodan connection .
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