Example sentences of "he [vb mod] also [verb] " in BNC.

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31 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
32 The summer conversations in Kissingen , the presence in St Petersburg of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , the greater enthusiasm for reform of Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs — all these undoubtedly altered the balance of opinion to which he was exposed and made him more susceptible to reformist sentiments ; but he may also have been naive enough to believe that the gentry at large would follow the example of the north-westerners and welcome the measure he was putting to them .
33 Now , he does think that the one and the mind is present to every one of us , erm , but I also take it that erm he er thought that he himself , had been able to ascend to the one er four times in the course of his life and that he also thought that some of his students were of better contemplation than others and erm so he may also have thought as Plato did , that some people are more inclined towards philosophy than others .
34 He may also have been wearing glasses .
35 He may also have been hit with a rifle butt afterwards.Joan Mann told the hearing that she understood there were several traitors in the Croat camp .
36 He may also wish to take in such oddities as the Bible in shorthand and , if he can find them , the portions published in the dialects : of Cornwall , Cumberland , Dorset , Durham , Devonshire , etc. , most of them privately printed for Prince Lucien Bonaparte , who included the Song of Solomon in twenty-four dialects among his list of nearly eighty publications , his English agent being Bernard Quaritch of 15 Piccadilly .
37 Apart from the chance that the customer may default on his payments ( perhaps even go bankrupt ) , there is the risk that he may also sell , damage or even destroy the goods .
38 With luck he may also find surveys that provide a much fuller description of properties and the nature of tenancies , including sometimes the names of previous owners .
39 He may also act on the principle that ‘ things have always been done this way ’ and justify his actions accordingly .
40 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
41 In the latter case his learning will be less available for transfer to other situations ; he may also learn faulty language habits .
42 He may also learn other negative cognitive schemas .
43 He may also lose weight , lose interest in sex and suffer from obscure pains ( Brownsberger et al. , 1971 ) .
44 He may also fall prey to complacency in that , having added his bottle of Preparation W , he then fails to notice ailment Z which requires a quite different treatment .
45 He may defend himself against attack , for example , cos he has a right to life and he may also defend his neighbours against attack .
46 He should also tell his master whatever he had seen .
47 He should also realise that tax is levied on people 's own money : it does not belong to the Government ; it is their money that the Government compulsorily take away from them in taxation .
48 He should also eat smaller meals , with savoury snacks in between if necessary , and avoid bending , stooping or lying flat after meals .
49 He should also remain aware of the fact that conversation is a process and that each contribution should be treated as part of the negotiation of ‘ what is being talked about ’ .
50 He should also avoid drinking alcohol .
51 He should also understand that Gothic developed with special characteristics to serve the needs of England , and it was not a foreign import .
52 If Lewis now refuses to fight Tony Tucker first , as the WBC want him to , he should also lose his crown .
53 Wycliffe , while conceding his abilities , saw no reason why he should also like him .
54 Apart from dealing with the matter of the will if one was made , it may be agreed , if your parent wishes , that he should also take on the responsibility for contacting various persons and organisations : the bank , to arrange for money to be available to her pending the settlement of her husband 's affairs ; her husband 's employer and Trade Union branch secretary , or the secretary of any professional association to which he belonged ; his insurance company ; the Department of Health and Social Security , to obtain forms for claiming the death grant and the widow 's pension ; the Inland Revenue , if her husband was still paying income tax ; the Building Society , the mortgagor ( or landlord if she and her husband lived in rented property ) and any other person or organisation concerned .
55 He should also take notice of their calm , positive and highly professional approach to their jobs .
56 I think he should also have some of my sister 's pictures ’ .
57 He should also have words with his colleague , Councillor John Ryan , who needs to improve the quality of his submissions to my Department for funding from central Government .
58 What he should also have realized was that , although the play had been a flop , The Wit To Woo demonstrated to Ken that the producer was a man to be trusted .
59 Frank Field , Labour MP for Birkenhead and also an Anglican , said Dr Runcie was right to attack government polices but he should also direct his attention to the Church , which was ‘ self-righteousness on stilts ’ .
60 Obviously efficiency is important , but he should also consider economy and effectiveness .
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