Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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1 Bowling took no further part in the proceedings , but he may think it a small price to pay for providing one of the turning points in a memorable match .
2 But the believer must wait for God 's time of deliverance ; he may think it long in coming — forgetting that God 's time is the best time . ’
3 For although Piper 's manager Frank Warren thinks Benn believes he has made a big mistake in selecting Piper as a first challenger and does n't fancy the job , I suspect the opposite is true — he may think it is going to be too easy .
4 He may think it looks cissy to do what a normal man would and carry the baby in its cot , but I reckon it only looks unchivalrous .
5 The draftsman should ensure that any licence fee or sub-rent is taken into account in the calculation of the tenant 's turnover ; indeed , he may think it appropriate to cover the contingency that the tenant grants a licence of part of the demised property at less than the market rate .
6 That may be so ; but on the other hand , if the plaintiff 's contention is correct , the solicitor may abstain from delivering his bill for 20 years , and then at the end of that time he may deliver it and sue after the expiration of a month from its delivery .
7 If he can not lift the leg unaided , he may move it by clasping his hands together just below the knee , holding the shin bone firmly , and using his hands to lift the leg up , shifting his weight sideways towards his unaffected side as he does so .
8 The Fangsword is specific to Eltharion and only he may carry it but the Talisman of Hoeth can be bought for other High Elf characters by paying the appropriate points cost .
9 On the other hand the doctrine clearly applies to contractual terms by which the covenantee , an employer or a purchaser of a business , seeks to forbid the covenantor ( the employee or seller ) from carrying on his trade or restricts the way in which he may carry it on after the purchase and sale of labour or the business , has been completed .
10 It was argued on behalf of the respondents that the doctrine applied to a covenant which was imposed for the benefit of the trade of the covenantee and which either forbids the covenantor to carry on his trade or restricts the way in which he may carry it on .
11 If the registrar of the court is not satisfied as to the propriety of the purpose of the inspection , he may refuse it .
12 He may recall that in Germany more than 3 million people are unemployed and he may bear it in mind that a higher proportion of people are in work in this country than in Germany or in any other European country except Denmark .
13 I realise that , if someone is driving a car , and sitting behind him is a lady with a handbag and a man with fangs , he may feel it wiser to drive in the slow lane .
14 Its good reception encouraged Boyle to set pen to paper , publishing his results in June 1663 , at which time he observed , ‘ Nor is it only by dissection of various animals that the naturalist may promote the anatomist 's knowledge , but perhaps he may do it by devising ways to make the dead bodies of man and other animals keep longer than naturally they would do . ’
15 He may do it by actually ‘ clobbering ’ somebody , but this would imply a rather drastic escalation of the conflict situation and happens too rarely for everyone in the aggro-leader role to prove themselves .
16 A young wife may assume that her husband will come shopping with her and he may take it for granted that she will stay at home while he goes to the local football match , or plays golf with the boys .
17 Senator Ricardo may enact such a bill so as to increase his chance of re-election , or he may oppose it because he favours public spending on ideological grounds .
18 Vietnam 's withdrawal is the best opportunity he will have to lead his country once more , but he may botch it by taking one political twist too many .
19 He may consider it his duty to practise non-cooperation and civil disobedience , but he must always be on his guard against acts of violence which only serve to militate against the success of his actions .
20 Even if he is trying to attend to the perspectival appearance presented to his point of view he may get it wrong .
21 but he may get it over and above after six months depending what
22 I compared myself to a dog who has got hold of a large piece of meat , and runs away with it to a corner , where he may devour it in peace , without any fear of others taking it from him . ’
23 If he has a facial palsy , he may find it difficult to chew and swallow , and you can help this by encouraging him to chew and clear food from the hemiplegic side of his face .
24 If he took no interest in gardening before his illness , he may find it refreshing to be outdoors looking at the different colours and shapes of the plants , smelling their fragrance , and watching the insects and birds they attract .
25 Possibly it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that the more flexibility your employer retains in framing your job duties , the harder he may find it to argue that you are redundant .
26 When he observes the actual performance he may find it difficult to associate what he has seen with what he had been led to expect .
27 In the case of a Japanese company wishing to invest in this country , whereas hitherto the attractions of the United Kingdom economy , along with the English language , which is important in Japanese investment , have been significant , for the future we are issuing a warning to the Japanese investor to be careful ; he may not be able to price across Europe in the future , he may experience high interest rates in this country and he may find it much harder to trade into the Community , because if we are not participating in the single currency we may not get all the benefits of the single market either .
28 I do n't just mean that He has to remove me — but He may use it .
29 T is their weakening the Church of England by their separation from it and their Invectives against it , that makes the Pope presume he may attack it … with Victory and Success " .
30 Surkov , lying on the bed , asked her if he should answer it .
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