Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
2 ‘ They seem to think I should stand on my own two feet — which is only right and proper , ’ she added hastily in case he should think she was whingeing .
3 She thought then that she could take anything but that he should know she loved him .
4 He must think she was going to faint again .
5 He must think she was babbling like a schoolgirl , but there was nothing even remotely schoolgirlish about her growing awareness of this man .
6 He must know she was coming by now , too .
7 Not only was he enjoying trying to blame the fire on Lisa , when surely he must know she had enough problems already , but that reference to ‘ poor , downtrodden Nigel ’ was almost shocking in its coldness .
8 He hated her ; that was why he had made those foul accusations when surely he must know she was not capable of such treachery .
9 Perhaps , if she made herself useful , he might decide she could stay — for a while at least , just until she got something else sorted out .
10 If it would have caught Meredith 's attention she would n't have minded a bone lodging in her gullet , but then there was always the risk he might think she was merely coughing — she could choke for nothing .
11 A sense of self-preservation cautioned her not to stick around , and before he could react she sprinted up to the house , feeling strangely exhilarated for the first time since she had left England .
12 He could tell she was very annoyed by the way she jogged her foot up and down as she stared at the window .
13 He could tell she was upset by the words she used : bad words he had often heard from the men who worked with the pigs or came to the house to drink with Buddie in the music-room .
14 He could tell she had n't really got her nose in the Reverend Abraham .
15 He could tell she 'd been used to ordering people about at one time .
16 Surely he could tell she was acting now for all she was worth ?
17 ‘ Very much , ’ she replied , but she somehow still felt upset that he could think she would go behind his back and cross-examine his secretary .
18 Hurt that he could think she would do that pest of an interview through Lubor , she was certain then that she did n't even like Ven Gajdusek — much less was she attracted to him !
19 She saw his lips curve at her challenge , and before he could protest she crossed quickly to him .
20 They had been hustled off the boat separately , and her inquisitor had simply ignored her demands to have Clive brought in so that he could confirm she had had no knowledge of what was going on .
21 He could pretend she was a good housewife , cook and mother to other men who were disgruntled at their wives , brilliant careers .
22 Before he could speak she said : ‘ I 'm famished .
23 Once there , he could claim she was dead ; in the West , she might build a new life .
24 She was looking at him questioningly but he could see she had caught his drift .
25 He could see she was preparing for a party .
26 He could see she was agitated .
27 Jack hissed furiously , but he could see she was not to be harried .
28 He could see she was recovering her composure .
29 she had fat knees in ginger stockings which kept straying apart … he could see she was wearing apricot knickers ;
30 He could see she was recovering .
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