Example sentences of "he [vb past] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 He did have a red MG .
2 But if it could be said that he did have a weakness for something , it was for Ireland and the Irish .
3 Unlike Guillaume , Zborowski was unbusinesslike , and a poor book-keeper , but he did have a wonderful faith in Modigliani 's talent .
4 . It was a puzzle to me to think that any customers wanted any of these things in the alley he lived , but he did have a few visitors , because he dealt in antiques , he knew a great deal about them …
5 He did not feel the presence of the dead poet in the room , but he did have a vague excited sense that any of these containers — the desk , the trunks , the hat-boxes , might contain some treasure like the faded letters in his own breast-pocket .
6 Certainly he never became an outstanding dancer , but as a performer he did have a feeling for movement and character that enabled him to make a theatrical impact in some roles not needing much technique or classical style .
7 Even if he did have a provincial practice ( as his likely African origin may suggest ) , he also held office in Rome , probably had connections with Gaul , and is attested in the consilium of Marcus Aurelius .
8 He did have a sneaking respect for Yanto however .
9 The doctor had no idea what might be causing the red blotches , but he did have a suspicion that the other symptoms might have a common cause .
10 After all , he did have a pond consisting of Charlie 's last Chinese meal steaming in his crotch .
11 And provided that he did have a ‘ residence ’ ( or ‘ abode ’ , the concept used in other contexts ) there , in which he spent a substantial part of the year , it would not be necessary for him to be physically present there for the whole three-month period prior to the qualifying date .
12 He did have a father — I mean , he is n't Jesus Christ .
13 He did have a spirit .
14 As Hollywood history has shown , Curtis recognized that he did have a drug problem when , in 1984 , he admitted himself into the Betty Ford Alcoholic and Drugs Treatment Center for treatment for his drug abuse and alcoholism .
15 But he did have a long-established base on which to build — and that was the British class system .
16 Maybe he did have a bit of something — cunning , animal cunning .
17 He did have a very hard time which we , as children , could not understand … they took care of Richard as you know but my mother also had to look after the children left in 2 Dan-y-bont , Pontrhydyfen , travelling there at least twice a week on two separate buses with Richard , a two-year-old , in tow .
18 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
19 But when he had been speaking of Katherine 's children , her opinion of him had begun to change , it sounded as if he did have a genuine sympathy for them and their plight .
20 He did have a kidney weakness , but although he was no longer as trim and fit as before he was still an impressive man .
21 She told herself she did not care about the fact that he was already married but was equally scarred by the knowledge that he did have a wife .
22 Both the scale of his operations and the degree of his specialization in financial business made him a unique figure in early Stuart England , though he did have a few other economic irons in the fire : among them , a share in the tobacco monopoly and the export of iron ordnance in the 1620s and huge purchases of East India Company pepper in 1623 and 1628 .
23 He did have a job in the Foreign Literature Publishing House , but he sought out any visitors from London , eager for gossip , and frequently talked about returning .
24 ‘ Anyway , he did have a key , and he still has it .
25 Certainly it was not a vehicle for a programme of socialist reform such as Cipriani had in mind , even if he did have a seat on its Legislative Council .
26 Ben Braithwaite , who could never stand being told what to do , particularly by the landlord of a common tavern , even if he did have a diamond on his swarthy hand and his name was Goldsborough , had spoken sharply .
27 Oh , André was always a hit with the girls , and he did have a certain effeminate appeal and a wonderful way with words , but he lacked Piers 's vitality , the vibrant sexuality that seemed to smoulder away inside him .
28 Though he did have a bit of a tan , unlike most of the men over here .
29 He did have a habit of railroading her into things , but she knew she would be crazy to refuse .
30 A little gig It was n't a gig either , he did have a gig but he had this thing , a sort of long shaped er What would you call it ?
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