Example sentences of "he [vb past] through [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was never at ease in large company but preferred the few friends he made through his education at Eton and Cambridge .
2 Sam looked out over the flooding river and breathed in the damp smell of the morning as if testing wine for bouquet , and I thought that he lived through his senses to a much greater degree than I did and was intensely alive in his direct approach to sex and his disregard of danger .
3 Like all actors with reviews , he checked through it for quotability , and decided that , with only slight injustice to the meaning , and the excision of a comma , he could come up with the very serviceable sentence , ‘ Charles Paris grows in stature through the evening . ’
4 What he experienced through his hands made more sense to him than written words of instruction .
5 The torchlit streets , as he passed through them , were not given up as usual to the cats and the late-night lovers or revellers but were occupied by knots of busy , muttering men , putting up ladders and hoardings , clearing mud , hanging carpets for tomorrow 's Festival which was for St Nicholas and himself , not for the burghers of Bruges .
6 " A lendri , " he muttered as he passed through them .
7 A COMMUNITY was in mourning last night after a young cyclist was killed as he rode through his home town .
8 He knew the fakers and the fences in Paris as well as London , and he skimmed through them , without any hope of success .
9 But there were moments when he got through her barriers , and , although they were rare , this was one of them .
10 Siegfried grunted , but he got through his plateful and left without further comment .
11 He had reason to be proud he thought , as he gazed through his car windscreen at the line of traffic ahead .
12 Later at the inquest ( which he did n't attend ) , he admitted through his lawyer that he may have been driving on the wrong side of the road .
13 He read through his first paragraph — after years of novel-writing he found it easier to put it all in the third person .
14 Sometimes Gabriel 's ghost was so physical , so vivid , that Lee would almost cry out to Larry to warn him as he moved through it between the kitchen and the living-room or walked over it as Gabriel lay on the carpet in front of the television .
15 He waded through it with a non-stop grin and managed to turn it to political advantage .
16 As he peered through his mind 's eye it seemed rather that the deepest water changed into a different type of material which sank down and down forever , tossed by its own fierce storms , swayed by its own currents that were swifter than any ocean 's — until far off elsewhere there surfaced from this immaterium yet other seas of life , which were other worlds .
17 Then he peered through his spectacles at a sheaf of papers on his desk , turning the pages one by one , studying the information they contained .
18 " The Moi were wrong ! " breathed Nathaniel Sherman in an awed whisper , as he peered through his field glasses .
19 ‘ It 's for the starving multitudes , ’ he whined through his matted beard , holding out the crock of gold in his blood-stained fingers .
20 Then he exhaled through his nose and laid his fists , with care , back on the table .
21 He thumbed through it till he came to Merrivale .
22 ‘ I watched the tackle on TV and he came through me .
23 As he shrieked through his loudspeaker , the Sturmabteilungen started to stream through the crowd , their red shirts now on full display , hitting out at all who stood before them .
24 He piped through his nasal tubes a snuffling laugh .
25 He snorted through his nose instead of laughing , and emitted a curious whistling sound , reminding her of his snoring at night , which made the whole room vibrate and set ornaments rattling .
26 As he climbed through her bedroom window she would flee down the stairs , slamming the door on his sanguinary hand .
27 He was a director of the London and Westminster Bank and in 1837 he was involved in C. R. Cockerell 's construction of their new headquarters in Lothbury , but it was with his railway work , which he obtained through his important financial connections , that he was particularly prolific .
28 The Adjutant 's hands shook a little as he riffled through his papers .
29 There was a deep puddle in the path and he walked through it .
30 In 1951 , during the period of the Vietnamese uprising against the French colonial rule , he walked through his country 's rich tropical forests to China , where he and his colleagues set up a temporary university .
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