Example sentences of "he [vb past] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He made him wash dishes . ’ ) .
2 He did not doubt for an instant that once he explained things to his brother , once he made him see what assets were available and how they could be used , Jean-Paul would rise from his lethargy and be as engaged , as excited , and as determined , as Edouard .
3 In his mind 's eye he relived their love-making of a few hours before and the picture of Michael lying underneath him as he penetrated him rose in his mind .
4 He stretched and picked up the phone , but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation .
5 He realised he had been , and clamped his lips .
6 They saw him at the same time as he realised he had n't understood what the man had said .
7 To his embarrassment he realised he had an erection and moved quickly to place a copy of the Teheran Times on his lap before the stewardess reached his row .
8 He ended up 200 miles off course and when the Salisbury beacon came in showing a 160 mile track error to the west , he realised he had been following a star !
9 Suddenly he realised he had no fear of death .
10 Later he realised he had known even at six on that June morning that the time left would be short before the surge of pain crashed through his head .
11 When someone came into the room he realised he had gone out in a sweet unconscious .
12 And in that instant , he realised he had become a DEEP .
13 Basically he 'd over indulged for too many years , to the point here even he realised he 'd gone too far . ’
14 He was jitterbugging with the recoil , and the gun 's momentum kept his first sweep going for a couple of yards even after he realised he 'd missed me .
15 Her expression froze at that , and his heart seemed to sink into his guts as he realised he 'd almost said the wrong thing .
16 She laughed at the thought of his face next morning when he realised he 'd been outwitted it was n't hard to do .
17 Perhaps he realised he 'd been rash .
18 But then he realised he 'd lost the manuscript for a biography he 's writing on the nineteenth century painter James Whistler .
19 Asked if he realised he 'd left Becky behind , Harper replied , ’ It did not really go through my mind .
20 When Daffy got out to the middle he realised he 'd nicked his hand , and that he needed treatment . ’
21 When Daffy got out to the middle he realised he 'd nicked his hand , and that he needed treatment . ’
22 Her explanation : ‘ He was going to tour but when it got closer he realised he did n't want to .
23 I th well I think er there was once or something but he he passed he did n't know that this er was so then they passed on .
24 He agreed he had once told journalists he was ‘ a male tart ’ but said this was a reference to his many relationships with women , not men .
25 He agreed he had once told journalists he was ‘ a male tart ’ but said this was a reference to his many relationships with women , not men .
26 He argued he had been giving them a practical demonstration of his work as a ‘ psycho-sexual ’ counsellor and doctor .
27 He realized he wished this for a man who had committed murder but , strangely , that seemed the least issue — not a family matter .
28 It was only later that he realized he had destroyed a Max Ernst .
29 His anger was fully under control , but his pride in his own craftsmanship was disturbed beyond recovery , and though he was on the front row again in Holland at the next race , I know that by Monza he realized he had been defeated by forces beyond his control .
30 When Captain Maestrangelo got back to his office he realized he had eaten far too much too quickly in an effort to keep up with the Substitute .
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