Example sentences of "he [vb past] [been] at " in BNC.

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1 No , it would n't have surprised me if he 'd been at his easel while I was painting the town red !
2 If he did n't understand something , he was reluctant to stand up and ask , instead he 'd worry it out himself , sometimes I reckoned he 'd been at it all night .
3 ‘ Well , I just thought he 'd been at the whisky even more than usual , and ignored him .
4 He 'd been at the wrong end when a small company went bust in the city .
5 He 'd been at school with Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen .
6 The truth of it was that he was even less certain of her now than he 'd been at the beginning ; how she thought , the way she might react as the world around her changed .
7 After he 'd been at Mandru for a while , Lucien learned that Mandru had refused to have any more boys from Por Tanssie after his last purchase from that academy had committed suicide .
8 And this man he was a regular dustbin , dustbin man and he 'd been at it all his life and he used to play cards with us and his family , his sons , and , and as many else as got any money to play pontoon or brag .
9 He said he 'd been at Parkhead recently ( his son is in the reserves ) and Billy Bremner had been there .
10 Did he tell you that he 'd been at flat I mean years before or near the date of this or what ?
11 In the week that he 'd been at the helm of the Anpetuwi ship there had been a remarkable change in atmosphere .
12 Nobody was quite sure how many degrees he had started and not finished , not even Boris , but he had been at the place so long he could remember when they used to spell it Freshmen 's Fair .
13 He could not afford to make mistakes ; all his life he had been at pains to learn and understand how ordinary people live and had delved into the seamier side of human nature , but he was still very unworldly .
14 Before that he had been at Lewis School , Pengam , when Neil Kinnock was house prefect .
15 Before that he had been at Lewis School , Pengam , when Neil Kinnock was house prefect .
16 McLeish , warmed by the fact that she had taken the trouble to find out a bit about him , confirmed he had been at Reading University and had worked as a young sergeant in the Flying Squad .
17 He had been at this cure for a mere four years but his reputation was growing fast .
18 When my cousin , who was to be in the locality ( one did not ask why at that time , and it was only after we were both freed of our vows of secrecy more than thirty years later that he told me he had been at Bletchley Park itself ) suggested coming to visit me , Mrs Sugden had no doubt but that this was my ‘ gentleman friend ’ .
19 The majority of the day he had been at Ascot Races .
20 He fervently denied that he had been at the scene of the murders or had been in any way involved .
21 He had been at school almost six months , the most miserable time of his entire life .
22 John was not universally popular with his new colleagues any more than he had been at the Wells ; his ambition aroused suspicion , scorn , envy or fear in some , and his sense of fun ( including a rather observant line in mimicry ) left barbs in some of its victims .
23 Tom Poole , who had nursed his father devotedly at the end , was in low spirits , but was as instantly captivated by his visitor as he had been at their first meeting .
24 He had been at Cambridge just after the last war , had fought with the International Brigade in Spain and had joined the R.A.F. as an air-gunner in 194O .
25 He admitted modestly that it was a long time since he had been at school , but one phrase he had understood was ‘ Vive la link box ! ’ .
26 He had been at large in occupied France and had quite a tough time of it , but at least he survived and came back to Baldersdale .
27 There were found footprint evidences that young Brown had crossed and recrossed Hunder Beck , that he had been at the top of the high moor , and he was traced half way back , with probably thirty-six sheep which were recovered on Sunday .
28 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
29 There had only ever been one with whom he had been at ease .
30 He had been at the forefront of Indian film-making for more than forty years and his work has received international acclaim .
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