Example sentences of "he [vb past] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 He had never questioned their presence , but now he realised that it had oppressed him .
2 He realised that it was improper for Policemen to accept gifts .
3 Broomhead had at first considered giving the woman a salutation from his vast treasury of filthy language when she approached him , but he realised that it might damage his rather good reputation .
4 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
5 In that first heart-stopping moment when he realised that it really was her , his impulse had been to run to her , to grab her in his arms and smother her with kisses , to chide her for not waiting until he came back to make her his wife .
6 A st'lyan ate up the ground like no horse he had ever encountered , and although at first he had estimated that a verst , the basic unit of Tarvarian distance , was equivalent to about a kilometre , now he realised that it was probably more than twice that .
7 But the stabbing pain in his eardrums was almost welcome , as the roaring subsided to a grumbling , faraway avalanche and he realised that it was only the sound of the storm .
8 In the same moment , he realised that it would be extremely dangerous for Fenella to join them .
9 A pale blue light puzzled him for a moment , until he realised that it was the Calor gas stove in the galley .
10 He realised that it had been a while now since he had put himself on the lookout for Medjays shadowing him .
11 Sean decided to take the money because he realised that it would be difficult to live with no money .
12 And he agreed that it was a pity .
13 Before long , he agreed that it suited his single-minded purpose to make peace with his co-star .
14 That was approved three years ago on policy group , Stuart was there and he he agreed that it was a feasible option to civilianise C P O's .
15 In 1670 , Richard Baxter 's book , ‘ The Cure of Church Divisions ’ was published in which he argued that it was good for Christians to continue to worship in parish churches despite the bitter hostility against Nonconformists .
16 First , he argued that it is highly artificial to construe all consumption as a response to needs ; while this approach may seem illuminating when it is applied to the consumption of individuals , it can not plausibly be extended to productive consumption , which has to be treated as ‘ the consumption which satisfies the needs of production ’ , if the theory is to be sustained .
17 He argued that it is too simplistic , and indeed ethnocentric , to dismiss such peoples as irrational and unscientific .
18 Hobhouse 's evolutionary method was , however , also reminiscent of Comte since he argued that it was the growing domination of mind over the conditions of life that enables us to appreciate the importance of the collective framework of society .
19 When Secretary of State Marshall was cabling the Embassy in Paris that Ho Chi Minh had direct Communist connections — whether or not this was a fact depends upon what one means by ‘ connection ’ — he argued that it was also a fact that colonial empires , in the l9th-century sense , were rapidly becoming a thing of the past .
20 He argued that it could be implied that it had been given with the intention that it should be used to promote the policy and objects of the enabling act .
21 And when William came back from Germany and a decision had to be made about his education , he argued that it made sense to send him to the state school , the same as Preston .
22 Bombers were still going over Germany and he argued that it was indefensible to bomb cities where women and children could be killed .
23 Far from arguing that the Bill did nothing , he argued that it was too draconian .
24 While Walesa endorsed the government 's reform programme in principle , he argued that it should be accelerated to avert social unrest .
25 On the other he argued that it was " basically unhealthy " for the United States to continue to press the British to live beyond their means .
26 Soon , however , he realized that it was neither of these .
27 As it passed , he realized that it had slowed down , turned around and was starting to give chase .
28 But now that Lorenzini had mentioned him he realized that it was n't .
29 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
30 A slow smile spread across his face as he realized that it must be Ace with the Marines .
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