Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He made teaching his career and taught history and mathematics in preparatory schools in Somerset .
2 The plan was to build a building and to endow it , and though we are very sad that Dr McDonald died before he lived to see his schemes carried through , he approved all the building designs , and made very full provision in his will , as he had promised .
3 During the eight short months that he lived following his resignation , he was plagued by a sense of foreboding that the future would hold a similar fate for himself .
4 Mr Endara said he planned to continue his hunger strike to support a civil disobedience campaign to press General Noriega to step down .
5 Giving evidence , coroner 's officer DC Dave Hemes told how Mr Ryder , of Green Lane , Formby , gave no hint that he planned to take his own life .
6 Lady Maude had given him a few pennies and tomorrow he planned to see his friend in Crabbe Street .
7 Mr Helmsley did not say how long he planned to keep his buildings in mourning , but his wife is expected to be in jail for at least 19 months before she is eligible for parole .
8 He carried a bottle of water from the River Mississippi with which , he said , he planned to baptise my breast as a sign of love .
9 He planned to send his sons to day schools , but weakened at the last .
10 On transferring his official residence from Burgos to Madrid , in October , Franco " toured the Sierra de Guadarrama , looking for a place he had already seen during the war " in which he planned to locate his war memorial .
11 He shook her awake and explained that he planned to make his way back into the forest , skirting the area of rocks , to get a closer look at whatever it was that had caught his attention .
12 Ten years later he produced singlehanded his monumental theory of gravity — the general theory of relativity .
13 He agreed to take his chance .
14 The bank would give him facilities to purchase the business to the extent of seventy five thousand pounds if he agreed to sell his property at and from the proceeds of sale to repay the bridging facility in its entirety and they would provide a sixteen thousand pounds business loan and overdraught facilities to be reduced by five thousand pounds within a few days and if the six thousand pounds rent deposit was not required then the business loan would be reduced to ten thousand pounds .
15 UN peace mediator Cyrus Vance telephoned Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and he agreed to use his influence to try to clear the way for the UN convoy , stopped at the Serb border .
16 He then had to stay in prison for two months while a schedule of his debt was prepared , he was examined by the court and he agreed to surrender his property .
17 He agreed missing his son 's engagement had been the last straw .
18 Does the Secretary of State agree with Duncan McNeill , whom he appointed to promote his hospital trusts , that trust status provides an alternative to operating and remaining within the mainstream national health service ?
19 He rode to take their tribute like a Roman general in triumph , and the cry ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ rose again and again , first from the nearest troops , then from afar .
20 He fought to make his fingers remain closed on the dagger , but they would not obey him .
21 AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Paul Keating said today he expected to discuss his country 's push to become a republic with the Queen during his stay at Balmoral next week .
22 His tone suggested that he thought otherwise , and served to confirm her earlier instinctive feeling that he expected to find her flawed , contemptible .
23 He asked to see his social services file and eventually the local authority agreed , provided the donors of information consented .
24 He asked to switch her mind to something else , and because it was essential to leave the autobahn after what had just happened .
25 There he wrote Valentino : an Historical Romance of the Sixteenth Century , published in 1885 , the year when he ceased to hold his diplomatic office .
26 Seawright was first suspended and , when he failed to withdraw his remarks and apologize , was expelled from the Party .
27 On May 7 , Aleksii II , Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia , announced that the Holy Synod had decided that the head of the UOC , Metropolitan Filaret , could face trial by the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church ( ROC ) if he failed to honour his resignation announcement of April 2 .
28 He seems to have taken no part in public life under the Commonwealth , but when the Exchequer was re-established under the Protectorate he failed to regain his old post as auditor , having to wait for this until the Restoration , when he protested , perhaps predictably , that he had never really been a parliamentarian at all .
29 Does he regret now avoiding the operation all those years ago , before he failed to scale his own Olympian heights in Rome and Seoul ?
30 Three times he tried the manoeuvre and three times he failed to haul his weight over the sill .
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