Example sentences of "on a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Aldeburgh Birthplace of the 18th-century poet George Crabbe and the home of Benjamin Britten , whose opera Peter Grimes , set on this coast , was based on a character in Crabbe 's poem The Borough .
2 Provided your building comes with an adequate floor , you can stand this on a row of substantial timbers , or on a number of carefully laid paving slabs .
3 It is sometimes very strange to see an AIB Engineering Inspector and an RAF doctor with their heads down inside the wreckage of a crashed aircraft in the AIB hangar at Farnborough , arguing , discussing or merely agreeing that this or that component is not strong enough to sustain survivable crash forces on a row of seats or that a part of the galley constitutes a lethal hazard against which passengers could suffer injury in a crash .
4 ‘ Body shots are best , ’ he heard the long-ago voice of Sergeant Cribb saying , back at the IMC training camp , as he demonstrated various weapons and aiming techniques on a row of terrified ElleryCorp prisoners .
5 A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall .
6 You 're all right if you can play a musical instrument one o' these one-string fiddles , Jew 's harp , ham-bone , play the comb , or one o' these sewing-machines ( gesticulates with his hands , pedals with his feet ) ; you can stick up a board in front of you saying ‘ Ex-Service Man ’ , ‘ Hero ’ , put on a row of medals — an' you can go into any of these back streets and nobody 'll stop you .
7 HE WOOED her with skew-whiff quotes from Shakespeare , pranced about in Chelsea football kit — minus the shorts — then bedded her on a futon with all the stamina of an 18-year-old .
8 Indeed an even more striking feature of the results was that the individuals examined were especially high on a measure of ‘ ego strength ’ , indicating a greater than average resistance to mental breakdown : the finding is particularly interesting because the latter is usually very low in subjects who deviate markedly on the clinical scales of tests like the MMPI .
9 The army put itself forward as the vehicle for such policies , and in taking radical domestic and international action the army could count on a measure of support from the rural community .
10 Most of the dressers were on a basic daily rate but some were paid on a measure of their work done .
11 On a journey across the Trans-Siberian in 1977 , Eric Newby found many of the old stations still surviving .
12 Immediately afterwards , he set off on a journey into Dorset , determined to repay Wordsworth 's visit of two months earlier .
13 Embark on a journey through time , reliving the dangers and excitement that faced smugglers in times past .
14 When we are going on a journey to a strange country , our state of mind and the nature of our preparations are determined by what we think we shall find there and , in particular , by whether we have friends and relations living there .
15 According to legend , Dick Turpin leaped across the gorge here on his horse Black Bess on a journey to or from York , presumably before the bridge was built .
16 Green also records what his children have been doing by themselves — the girls visiting Keswick neighbours to drink tea , or going with their brothers on a journey to Kendal , or sometimes dining out , as when they visited Mr. James Fleming at Grasmere .
17 Now you can visit the Jorvik Viking Centre , step aboard a time car and be whisked back through the centuries on a journey to real-life Viking Britain .
18 A young noblewoman , a widow on a journey to her late husband 's grave , but the King came and saw her .
19 The story is that four kings were on a journey to their coronation when , on the way , they wanted to stay at a hotel .
20 For example , someone setting out on a journey to a malarial zone would be best advised to rely on drugs rather than trusting the stars ' message alone as a protection against the disease .
21 21st ( last in series ) , Antarctic Adventure : Voyager follows Jerome and Sally Poncet on a journey to the polar ice cap .
22 I had only been at home for about ten days when a friend of mine asked me to join him on a journey to the East Indies .
23 And so Fenella said , ‘ I wish you a safe journey , ’ and was pleased that her voice came out firm and perfectly calm , as if she was quite accustomed to seeing her brother off on a journey to the Court of a Sorceress , which would take him past all manner of weird and darkly enchanted places .
24 ( A decade later , Johnson , on a journey to Oxford , sat in the stage-coach beside a Mrs Beresford and her daughter ; the girl was passing the time in knotting , a kind of tatting , in which coloured threads are knitted into decorative knots .
25 Another point which has n't been taken up , despite us being invited to is why is the Greater York area the size that it is , and this is a point that the Senior Inspector raised , er in other towns and cities , I 'm thinking particularly of Exeter for example , the districts have looked at supplying their city based land supply problems on a journey to work area , now that area would be significantly greater than we 're looking at here , and it seems to me in this location er where we see a potential abundance of supply beyond the strict confines of the Greater York area is a very apposite question to ask , why is the Greater York area the area that it is ?
26 Hilton urges those who would know God to think of themselves as pilgrims to " Ierusalem-ward " set out on a journey to the centre of their own inner world : He thus brings into play resonances from the traditional Augustinian image of the City of God the desire for which activates the Christian life and from allegorical exegesis where Jerusalem signifies , morally , the soul of the faithful Christian striving for the vision of peace and , anagogically , the life of those in heaven who see God face to face .
27 In an interview he has stated : ‘ My stories are usually based on a journey of some sort .
28 In addition , for those involved on a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery , a series of regressions is of great benefit as it brings to light the pattern so far and allows the patient to make decisions about how he intends to progress .
29 He placed his own mantle on Elisha 's shoulders , who said his farewell to his parents , and became Elijah 's companion and understudy , following him faithfully on a journey of farewells , and finally inheriting the mantle which fell off Elijah 's shoulders as he was actually or mystically carried off in ‘ ’ a whirlwind into heaven ’ .
30 For this reason it is absolutely vital before setting out on a journey of this type , to plan as far as possible for this eventuality .
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