Example sentences of "on the number [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is based on the number of rooms in the hotel , not its tariff .
2 Team matches are decided on the number of bouts won by each side .
3 Instead , try cutting down on the number of exercises , increasing the weight and making sure that you perform 3 sets of at least 8 reps .
4 A new basis for classifying stocks , which are currently graded on the number of market makers , market capitalisation and quarterly turnover into alpha , beta and gamma categories .
5 And there were occasions when banter and humour were used by low-ranking officers to convey the impression to the section police that they should go easy on the number of ‘ skulls ’ ( prisoners ) they accrued because of the excessive paperwork it was causing .
6 Five hundred picture sleeves can cost from £200 to £500 depending on the number of colours and the thickness of the card .
7 ( Needletime is a limit on the number of hours of commercially available recordings which can be broadcast by radio stations .
8 On 23 June , Roy Grantham , General Secretary of APEX , called for a limit of 500 on the number of pickets , and on 24 June , the TUC issued the following statement :
9 Television may have made inroads on the number of live spectators but , if anything , it has encouraged a greater degree of participation in a far wider range of activities .
10 Council members condemned plans to make universities bid for public money based on the number of students they expected to teach .
11 The statistics we have on the number of racial incidents are not accurate because there is gross under-reporting . ’
12 Its size and shape depended on the number of infantry battalions and armoured regiments in its order of battle .
13 However , the proportions in which elements are produced in the big bang depend on the number of types of neutrino ( the neutrinos play a role in moving energy around the fireball ) .
14 The Swedish reforms give patients more freedom to choose who treats them and make the resources allocated to doctors ( including their pay packets ) dependent on the number of patients they can attract .
15 The complexity of the system depends on the number of permutations of hose length available .
16 Sow the seeds in trays or pots , depending on the number of plants required .
17 Right from the very start it will help if you can decide at least on the number of main meals you will have each day and on the number of snacks , if any .
18 Right from the very start it will help if you can decide at least on the number of main meals you will have each day and on the number of snacks , if any .
19 Some are based on the number of dies occurring with only one specimen , the number with two , the number with three , and so on .
20 To be more specific , the gene R in Figure 5 , which makes recombination possible , may have no effect at all on the survival of an organism in which it finds itself , or on the number of offspring produced ; what R can affect is only the particular kinds of genes with which it will be associated in future generations .
21 On these occasions the warden was informed of the number and kind of game they were to take , and it was his duty to keep a check on the number of deer taken , and to inform the king .
22 Bets are also being taken until ‘ at least 2am ’ at IG Index , both on the number of seats the parties will win and on what the FT-SE Index might be .
23 Mitchell explains : ‘ BTR 's is a final salary scheme with a pension starting at 65 based on the number of years ’ service and the salary on leaving the company .
24 Although first reactions to Linnaeus were usually unfavourable , on account of his egoistic nature , his visit helped to create an understanding on which goodwill and confidence were built , and his system of classification , based on the number of sexual parts in the flowers , became generally accepted within the next thirty years .
25 For the first time limits are being set on the number of hours which may be worked continuously .
26 But in order to bring management closer to tenants , we intend to reduce the limit on the number of properties transferred in a single batch .
27 Where the price varies depending on the number of persons booked into the accommodation and you wish to change that number of persons , the price will be recharged on the basis of the new party size as shown in the price panel .
28 The principal constraint on the number of their disagreements is , indeed , the comparative rarity of their encounters , Raymond invariably being asleep when Vic leaves for work and out when he returns home .
29 Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years , less attention has been given to the number of family members who are also affected .
30 In practical terms , therefore , cleanliness can be defined to suit various and different operations and areas within an operation by setting a limit on the number of faults permissible in each .
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