Example sentences of "on each [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had not in those days looked at the real aspects of the drink question — had not seen the responsibility that rests on each one to be guiltless in regard to that which is sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects , and killing numbers of her sons possessed of generous impulsive natures .
2 Of course , his lordship and his colleagues were concerned to brief each other as accurately as possible on each one of the expected participants ; but overwhelmingly , their concerns centred on a single figure — that of M. Dupont , the French gentleman — and on his likely sympathies and antipathies .
3 If you like , it 's the close up , the zoom lens is on each one of us all the time , and that 's how he sees us .
4 There were rows of beds , covered with scarlet blankets and on each one at the pillow end was a large , white , upturned chamber pot .
5 There are two ways of arranging the designs , either working on each one at the same time , or completing one before moving on to the other .
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