Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 The weather has also been reasonably kind , so it 's a bit of both really — with the sun on my back it definitely helps me to perform a lot better . ’
2 I know from experience that if I approached their hives with scented lotion on my hair it would make them angry . ’
3 Yeah , that was like me , I mean like I 'd , I was n't bad like , cos all the time I was just wearing like polo necks or like shirts with high collars and stuff cos it was n't actually on my neck it was just like on my , this one .
4 On my model it has a red knob on it .
5 Well it 's just come up on my screen it says , He 's in the roller .
6 On my visit it was a Craft Fair which stretched along the island platforms adding to the interests of the visit .
7 So , if an exemption clause was part of the contract and if on its wording it excused one party from a given liability , then the court had to give effect to the clause , i.e. that party ( usually the seller ) had a valid defence .
8 They unanimously held that on its wording it limited the sellers ' liability to the cost of replacing the seed .
9 If the contract is not personal but contains an express prohibition on assignment , such prohibition will only prevent an assignment of the benefit if on its wording it is clear and precise .
10 Leaving aside for a moment the question of the cogency of this argument , on its surface it reveals a decisive break from liberal principles .
11 In fact even if one succeeds in dissociating oneself from some of the more romantic claims that are made on its behalf it 's easy to get the discouraging impression that communication without words is after all a residual topic and that once orthodox language has been subtracted all that is left is a rubbish heap of nudges , shrugs , pouts , sighs , winks and glances — or to put it another way that non-verbal communication is simply the behavioural exhaust thrown out of the rear end of an extremely high-tech linguistic machine .
12 Its hands were flung up as well , as if to frighten children ; and on its face it had a manic-satyric grin .
13 On its side it said ‘ Express Service ’ .
14 Novato , California-based WordStar International Inc has been hit by an Australian court award against it ordering it to pay $3.2m to Perfect Information Pty Ltd as damages on its claim it was wrongfully terminated as one of WordStar 's Australian distributors ; WordStar will appeal the ruling , maintaining the plaintiff was never lawfully engaged as a distributor .
15 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
16 But she had eaten it , and with the delicious taste still lingering on her palate it had seemed ungrateful to cross-question him .
17 Except that on her part it 's totally unnecessary ! ’
18 On her behalf it was said she 'd won 100 's of prizes for her livestock .
19 ‘ contributed to the … view that unless it appears that the wife clearly understood the effect of an instrument conferring a voluntary benefit on her husband it may be invalidated . ’
20 Deformed sperms , de-energised sperms and sperms deterred by the acid environment of the womb , were catalogued so that when the camera followed the successful ones on their journey it seemed a miracle that any got to their destination at all .
21 The Leith Dock Commission continued to use the services of the Rendel family and on their advice it was decided to reclaim an area along the East Sands and to construct another dock .
22 On thy sleeve it be bright .
23 ‘ It 's so that if somebody drops a bloody great boulder on yer nut it 'll bounce off
24 Faced with these twin assaults on his ego it was hardly surprising that many players were found wanting .
25 Galileo saw the danger and hurried to Rome , on his mule it seems .
26 And it , it is n't a personal thing on his part it 's no not going shopping or driving her here there and everywhere because he he , he , he er er he does n't want to it 's just that he 's incap he will be incapable of doing it .
27 wrote down on his book it was n't him
28 The pastorate had passed first to his brother ; on his death it had reverted to one of the famous preacher 's twin sons .
29 On his death it went to the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford .
30 On his hand it was .
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