Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun sg] which " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's a notice on my overcoat which says , this is where Christmas stops . ’
2 ‘ I rang Yvonne Harper-Wake , who gave me a lot of advice on my diet which was really helpful .
3 Lady Macleod and the young ladies have by their hospitality and politeness made an impression on my mind which will not easily be effaced .
4 I lifted the receiver and listened and it must have been the expression on my face which stopped him in the doorway .
5 You 'll be interested to know I 've just changed , I 've just renewed my insurance policy on my car which is an E reg V W Golf diesel .
6 You are you 're on my list which one d' ya use ?
7 Dr Neil had not meant to consummate his love for McAllister , but having begun to heal and reassure her he had started something on its way which was beyond his control , or McAllister 's either .
8 The previous year fire had broken out on its mate which sank with great loss of life .
9 She snatched her hands away , conscious of the danger of the acids on her skin which would damage old fabric .
10 Miriam , too , had a painful inflammation on her shoulder which she thought would turn into a boil ; indeed , so many of the garrison now suffered from them that Louise had ceased to feel ashamed .
11 The little girl had intensely blue eyes like her own , and a covering of golden down on her head which set Sarah 's lips tingling when they brushed over it .
12 And Miss Streep duly arrived on her bicycle which she chained confidently to the theatre railings .
13 Breezing by on her bicycle which she rides all the time , she appears as a sort of escaped young refugee , from Poland or some Dickensian work camp .
14 He complimented her on her Italian which was very good , he said , very , very good .
15 The patient complained of pain to a scar on her leg which she had cut 18 mths previously and which had taken 6 weeks to heal at the time .
16 She had been about to collude with Stan in the face of all her good resolutions , and there would have been yet another indelible stain on her spirit which , she suspected , were it available to her , she would not care to put unwashed in her underwear drawer .
17 She vomited , but had nothing except bile to bring up , a sweat thickened on her forehead which no amount of wiping away would banish .
18 She 's got a corking black eye , a nasty gash … ( oops ) on her forehead which requires multiple stitches and has temporarily lost the use of her right arm .
19 She raised her hand as a dubious Herr Nordern forced the car into almost the right gear and drove off with a curious jerking motion , then turned and went into the Centre with a look on her face which boded ill for anyone who crossed her path that day .
20 The dumb woman brooded over the child with a naked , maternal expression on her face which Melanie found both embarrassing and touching .
21 Just a , I find that she almost looks as if she 's been out in the sun and that it sort of looks like very strong sunlight on her face which is a shame really .
22 As she emerged from the kitchen , he noticed a look of disapproval on her face which provoked him to anger .
23 ‘ How about something really radical on the dangers of sunbathing without blocker ? ’ said Helena , who had just found a mole on her arm which had definitely not been there at the beginning of the summer .
24 During the past few years she has been forced to endure : — A break-in at her home and the loss of £5,500 ; — A series of raids on her office which eventually prompted the company to move elsewhere in the town ; — Drunks breaking into the company headquarters to sleep off their drinking binges ; — Car theft and vehicle damage .
25 There was nowhere on her body which was n't black with bruises .
26 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
27 His hands found places on her spine which seemed to hunger for his expert touch .
28 Shirley keeps her finger on her locket which rests on her throat like a warm stethoscope .
29 The Fine Arts Society denies this , but by lowering the price to £35,000 , just under the export limit , and selling to a foreign buyer , they also avoided the 17% VAT ( sales tax ) on their profit which they would have paid had they sold to a British institution .
30 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
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