Example sentences of "on [pers pn] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is usually argued that the managers do not acquire their Newco shares pursuant to a right conferred on them or an opportunity offered to them by Newco by virtue of their employment ( see s77 Finance Act 1988 ) .
2 Occasionally she was caught for a fraction of a second with images of a pig 's cot wall with a black cat on it or a square stone chapel silhouetted in Sunday dusk , but these were inconsequential visitations , debris from the past uncovered by the rhythms of a particular song or the set and angle of a passing face , a passing mood .
3 I would n't have minded if I 'd had a bump on my head , a cross on it or a bullet through it .
4 The Suffolk 's head is big with a broad forehead , and often with a star on it or a shim or blaze down the face ; the neck deep in the collar and tapering to a graceful setting of the head ; the shoulders long and muscular and thrown well back at the withers .
5 message on it or the er instruction on it
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