Example sentences of "be a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was equally to be a greater degree of attention , in schools and elsewhere , to Georgian history , archaeology and culture .
2 Decreasing mobility and retirement are likely to reduce daytime activities and there will be a greater opportunity for daytime naps , particularly after lunch .
3 Julian Crozier welcomed the development and said , ‘ With the completion of this link there will be a greater opportunity for Northern Ireland jobseekers to access all UK vacancies and beyond that , the European jobs market . ’
4 It is hoped that aromatherapy will benefit from this in two ways : that the purity of an oil can be guaranteed and that there will be a greater choice of organic oils more widely available .
5 Fourthly , there will be a greater realisation that the business depends on the strength of the whole chain of supply and sales , rather than on the individual performance of one part of it .
6 These activities reinforced the general fear that apathy might cause the poll to be unduly low which it was thought would be a greater handicap to SDLP than to other parties .
7 If however Christ , in and of Himself , in isolation from the other two persons of the trinity , is considered to be ‘ God ’ , then there will be a greater tendency to predicate maleness of Christ as divine .
8 A 1992 survey commissioned by the Institute of Directors of member companies who employ less than 100 people , has shown that the cost of bank finance is generally felt by small business to be a greater problem than availability .
9 If the organisation is faced with rapid change , and therefore uncertainty in decision-making , there will be a greater reliance on local knowledge of events and ‘ on-the- spot ’ decisions , so there should be greater decentralisation than in a relatively static organisation in a stable environment .
10 Other things equal , there will be a greater case for taking advantage of the lower average costs of larger communities .
11 However , the significance of all this is unclear : in the southeastern part of the province there appears to be a greater inter-relationship of designs than in the west .
12 If a Roman road is buried in a field , there will be a greater depth of topsoil ( and therefore more moisture ) on either side of the road than on top of it , and so crops will be stunted and will ripen earlier above the road than on either side .
13 In other words , the sample in the latter case would have to be a greater proportion of the total than the former .
14 And it does kind of stand in my way because , for one thing , there will never be a greater guitar player than Jimi Hendrix , as long as people can remember that name .
15 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
16 This also will require a mixture of skill- and discipline-based courses , although there is likely to be a greater emphasis on technical computing aspects .
17 Against this background , Conservatives should say : too many prison sentences are given to the wrong people ( eg alcoholics ) ; prison regimes are too often wrong , with prisoners staying inside in relatively soft conditions for relatively long sentences ; too often violent criminals do not get sent to prison as they should ; for young thugs short spells are advocated in glasshouse-type detention centres with a very tough physical regime ( but good food ) ; otherwise there should be a greater emphasis on fines , representing a more humane and economical approach .
18 There may well be a greater stress on family commitments and we reviewed some of the evidence on sharing of tasks in section 6.4 .
19 If Shadows and would-be Shadows started behaving like members of a government , there 'd be a greater chance of them becoming the real thing .
20 There would be a greater resemblance , too , one not just of demeanour but of morals — or their lack .
21 To this Lord Reid said that to regulate a person 's existing trade may be a greater restraint than prohibiting him from engaging in a new trade .
22 ‘ It would be a greater motivation for new drivers to behave themselves , ’ says Dr Ingham .
23 The authors were , however , satisfied that once the press assumed obligations to society , there would be a greater likelihood that all sides of events would be fairly represented and that sufficient information would be available to the public .
24 Instead , there would be a greater awareness of how the social construction of criminal definitions and the criminal justice system operate to bring about this misleading image of serious criminals .
25 There could not be a greater contrast in attitude .
26 There may be a greater sense of adventure and novelty for employer partners than education partners because they are moving into a new field and are relieved of some of the responsibilities of their old job .
27 Finniston also believes that there should be a greater element of entrepreneurship in all types of businesses .
28 However , against this must be balanced the fact that there will be a greater profit margin , by virtue of the fact that distributive intermediaries are obviated and their margins will not have to be met .
29 There 's been talk of Bruce leaving but it will be a greater achievement for me to establish myself as first choice with him still at the club . ’
30 John Bancroft has highlighted an important observation that recently there seems to be a greater willingness to disclose socially censured sexual behaviour .
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