Example sentences of "be of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hollywood blockbusters were still more likely to attract people than home-made films , ‘ perhaps because they are more likely to be of a genre which appeals to an escapist mentality during the recession ’ .
2 Should the fuel be of a fossil type such as coal or oil or should it be the radioactive elements in a nuclear reaction ?
3 We therefore have to know : what sort of presence could there be of a God to whom there applied none of the limitations that applied to finite human existence ?
4 Herein lies the problem : the wood needs to be of a species for which there is a ‘ master chronology ’ ( see p. 125 ) and there must normally be at least a hundred tree rings in the sample to be dated to ensure a unique match with the master pattern .
5 Ideally , the marker trees would be of a species that was foreign to , or rare in , the area , and easy to distinguish by form and size at all seasons .
6 Part or all of the aedeagus is held by some authors to be of a secondary , non-appendicular nature but others consider it to be formed by the division of the gonapophyses of the 9th abdominal segment , the two median halves fusing during development to form the penis while the lateral halves constitute the parameres .
7 The anti-recording position assumes that a sound recording is literally a record of a live event , a memento of it , as a snapshot might be of a holiday or a family event .
8 What proof can there be of a man 's feelings ?
9 The radical differences will be of a variety of kinds .
10 the main or background yarn has to be of a thickness your machine can knit , but the weaving yarn can be much thicker because it is n't actually knitting stitches .
11 After only 4000 reactor years worldwide , Chernobyl approached the worst conceivable nuclear reactor accident , which was previously estimated to be of a probability somewhere near 1 in 10,000 or even I in a million per reactor year .
12 " it was desirable that the buildings to be erected should be of a character suitable for a Grammar School and not limited to those of an ordinary Secondary School and that the position be fully reported to the Educational Charities in the Town . "
13 By the time the children , taught solely lipreading and speech , were 5 or 6 years old there was a certain inadequacy in the levels of communication they could reach compared by a quotation in one book to be of a level ‘ scarcely above the signals we use to our pets ’ .
14 Cook is the most observant woman , and parlourmaids have to be of a noticing cast of mind , otherwise they would n't be any good for the job , would they , sir ? ’
15 The rule of course has in many senses a more restricted application than nuisance ; there must be an accumulation , and it must be of a substance likely to cause injury if it escapes , neither of which is essential to liability in nuisance .
16 But clearly some immoralities may be of a kind that no government has authority to commit .
17 Social reform might assist such a victory , but it had to be of a kind which the Lords would not reject .
18 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
19 First , the benefit may be of a kind bought in from outside the employer 's business , such as a car or medical insurance ( ‘ external benefits ’ ) .
20 However , the form of section 2(2) means that with regard to liability for animals not belonging to a dangerous species the position will be fundamentally the same as at common law , since the damage must be of a kind made likely by the characteristics known to the keeper .
21 It is only on the basis of such a model that the government , which considers one of its basic functions to be the management of the economy , can predict what the effect will be of a change in one of its policies .
22 Whether we are talking of the families portrayed in reading schemes and modern languages material , the heroes of novels chosen in English literature , or the personages selected as worthy of interest in history , the picture may be of a male who is larger than life , dominant and personality-projecting .
23 Nominations must be of a Member of the Parliamentary Party in the House of Commons , who must be proposed and seconded by other such Members and supported by 200 members in aggregate in not less than 20 Local Parties ( including , for this purpose , the Specified Associated organisations representing youth and students as provided by Article 13 .
24 Nevertheless , they appear to be of a type that would be used in the manufacture of bulk chemicals . ’
25 They should also be of a type that has simple and quickly altered bridle trimming .
26 Now there are two ways that the new composite sentence token will be of a type that is eventually to acquire a constant significance .
27 Compare now the vastly more plausible second way in which the new composite sentence token may be of a type that is to acquire constant significance .
28 The requirement that the goods must be of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption is obviously problematic .
29 Sebastian 's ‘ holiday ’ had been meant to be of a fortnight 's duration only .
30 In captivity synspilum will eat just about any of the normal cichlid foods — earthworms , woodlice , beefheart , liver , chicken , fish , mussel , prawn ; obviously the foods chosen should be of a size suited to the fish , and the diet should contain a high level of vegetable material cooked peas , scalded lettuce or spinach , duckweed or other aquatic plants ; if a pelleted food is to form part of the diet this should be one with a high vegetable content — pond pellets are often suitable .
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