Example sentences of "on [pron] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 The thought of facing his old friend , and the man on whom Virgin 's fortunes had been largely built , across a courtroom was too upsetting .
2 ‘ I 'm under no illusions about the two of us , on me mother 's life … ’
3 On me mother 's life .
4 I thought you says he were working on them mate 's car ?
5 Seeing the look of pain on my driver 's face , I asked him what had become of Eileen , ‘ The Girl from County Donegal ’ , possessor of one of the purest ballad voices I know , with a hint of Irish mischief .
6 On my driver 's seat was a Telegraph with front page headed and devoted to the ‘ Kuwait Crisis ’ .
7 But erm like , I 'm putting out of bounds signs on my mum 's and brother 's .
8 On my daughter 's wedding day ten thousand pounds I 'll give away .
9 I joined erm college again to start on my master 's degree , because it was just an er gap , filling gap like .
10 ‘ What are these men doing on my cousin 's roof ?
11 But then no foreigner is ever going to tell me I can not walk on my country 's hills .
12 ‘ It 's just that I ca n't stand the slur on my grandmother 's memory .
13 ‘ Do n't be stupid , ’ I snap , and I suck on my Jameson 's .
14 Imagine the horror on my beloved 's face when he discovered I had in fact flung in the rubbish his much prized and read collection of Guitarist magazines !
15 The heap of lumber on my neighbour 's veg patch grew to monstrous proportions .
16 I was pleased he had n't seen the note or the tears that I left behind on my Granny 's face .
17 ‘ As I was about to say , this situation can not be allowed to continue , trespassing as we are on my wife 's time and goodwill .
18 Once , when he was asleep in his chair , I decided to trim the hairs on my Dad 's legs with my Mom 's dressmaking scissors and took a chunk out of his leg with my first snip .
19 When I put my front paws on my lady 's shoulders , I was about a foot taller than her .
20 He 's visibly shocked and promises — ‘ on my kid 's life ’ — not to spill the beans .
21 The note complimented me on my friend 's honesty !
22 Games run slower than ‘ slow motion ’ and at least five times slower than on my friend 's PC .
23 Or thy goodwill on my friend 's part .
24 ‘ Yes , Your Grace , on my uncle 's orders . ’
25 The situation had become embarrassing , so I laid my rod in the rest , with the hook hanging from the butt-ring , and tied on my mate 's hook for him .
26 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
27 ANTHONY GREEN ON HIS WIFE , MARY : ‘ I 've just finished a picture about Mary and me making love on my mother 's spare bed .
28 I swear it , on my mother 's milk that we shared .
29 I know for a fact she 's had her eye on my mother 's matinée jacket collection for years and when I once , in passing , said I wondered what happened to those old prosthetic devices in the estates of deceased senior citizens , Madge let it slip that she knew a way of turning a Zimmer frame into an attractive lamp ! ’
30 On my mother 's instructions , I always refused any drinks that were offered when we went to visit her .
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