Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 On 75 days the smog was so bad that schoolchildren were advised to stay indoors .
2 On each check the waiter or wine waiter must fill in the date , table or room number and details of the order and sign his or her initials or number ( Figs. 6.14(b) and ( c ) ) .
3 On each occasion the cake was divided exactly and equally among all those present ( this time including me ) and there was none left over .
4 On each occasion the Irishman tried to make a comeback , his back would break down .
5 On each occasion the initial stage has been a dramatic success and the final outcome a categorical failure — responsible in my judgment for the defeat both of Mr Heath 's and Mr Callaghan 's governments .
6 The supermarket giant has had no fewer than four scrip issues in this period and on each occasion the number of shares held has effectively doubled .
7 On each occasion the fish ends up lying on the tank floor breathing heavily until it dies .
8 Merlini , three attempts were made to serve documents on a defendant in Italy , trying three different addresses and two different names ; on each occasion the defendant could not be located or had already moved on .
9 On each occasion the ‘ overwhelming consensus ’ was that there should be ‘ no change at all ’ .
10 But the time comes when control is lost again and on each occasion the disease and its consequences are worse than previously .
11 On each occasion the band played for more than 1½ hours continuous dancing .
12 On each occasion the items stolen have been of little value , but the thefts are a continual thorn in the side of the cricket club committee .
13 Massine interprets these chords by setting six dancers about the stage and on each chord the six men either singly or together , and in turn , rise into a tour en l ’ air finishing in a pose .
14 On each side the inhabited coastal strip rises steeply from the water 's edge ; rises to the two volcanic peaks of Pachamama and Pachatata .
15 Now he spread out on his table the note taken from the dead girl 's handbag , placing on each side the two specimens of the husband 's handwriting which the police had been able to obtain .
16 A family with a rounded flat disk covered by small imbricating plates amongst which the centrodorsal and primary plates usually distinct ; the radial shields small , length less than half the radius of the disk , well separated from one another ; the jaw broader or as broad as long ; usually one sometimes two apical papillae flanked by 5–7 oral papillae on each side the distalmost slightly curved and extending beneath the largest oral papilla just proximal to it , it is possible that this distalmost papillae is part of the second oral tentacle pore ; the adoral shields large and wing-like ; the oral shield large , rounded triangular or arrow shaped , usually longer than broad ; the arms long and slender ; the dorsal and ventral arm plates well developed and contiguous at least proximally ; the tentacle pores moderately large each armed with one or two flat leaf-like tentacle scales ; usually three times long , erect arm spines , equal in length to two arm segments .
17 On each tape the 30 stimuli were blocked into six groups of five films and the presentation order of these six groups was randomized for each subject with the constraint that no two exemplars of a single junction could appear consecutively .
18 On each tape the stimuli were blocked into groups of four films and the presentation order of these groups was randomized for each subject .
19 Furthermore , on each island the price of the good adjusts each period to equate the supply of the good on that island and the demand for the good on that island .
20 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
21 On 17th August the Nez Perce camped at Beaver Creek .
22 With modern circuits that run on low voltages the mains transformer provides two functions .
23 On low earnings the rebate payments will be too small to justify the personal pension plan charges .
24 On dry land the nearest equivalents of the filter-feeders are the grazers .
25 On dry roads the most any sane drive will usually experience is lateral g-forces as the SL corners .
26 On 15th July the company announced that it had received elections accepting the Enhanced Scrip Dividend Alternative from the holders of 177,631,159 ordinary shares in Johnson Matthey .
27 On rocky ground the friction of rope over crests and round corners much reduces fall impacts .
28 On the Treaty on European Union the European Council agreed on an annexed decision and three declarations which were to apply " exclusively to Denmark and not to other existing or acceding member states " .
29 With the failure of these discussions on economic union the Nordic states were left with the limited form of cooperation to which they had agreed in 1946 , and also with Uniscan , a loose , consultative structure they had entered into , albeit reluctantly , with Britain under the latter 's urging , but one which would involve little more than a multilateral attempt at coordinating economic policies .
30 Because of the recent declarations of independence by the majority of republics there were fears that without an agreement on economic union the economy would collapse .
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