Example sentences of "on [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 He took his pulse again to calm himself ( it had gone up to sixty-five ) and then began to concentrate hard on gathering up the bits of himself .
2 A Work will begin on drawing up the Bill .
3 But we must concentrate on drawing out the feeling . ’
4 It is important that Chinese managers also have a similar understanding of British management methods and therefore the project places considerable emphasis on building up the knowledge of managers from both sides .
5 Clearly , the £250,000 reputably spent each year on shoring up the LTA 's publishing ego trip could be much better spend elsewhere .
6 We congratulate him on spelling out the good things that we shall be offering .
8 There are still a great many old-stagers who still insist on keeping up the old style — 13th January .
9 The building materials company has been a market defensive favourite for the past decade as it concentrated on keeping down the costs of making its cement , and joinery , glass and steel products .
10 From there they swept out into the main prison wings , intent on hunting down the jail 's segregated Rule 43(1) prisoners being held mainly on sexual offences .
11 By the nineteenth century , as today , chemists were intent on sifting out the so-called impurities of plants in order to isolate their ‘ active principles ’ .
12 ‘ Between the top of Skiddaw and the Lake of Bassenthwaite the numerous narrow openings are happily described by Housman … ‘ on looking down the profound precipice in almost any direction the eye recoils with horror .
13 Then a start was made on rounding up the C grade , those who were known incongruously as ‘ friendly enemy aliens ’ .
14 If that happens Lonrho may be gambling on picking up the betting shop part of the operation for the proverbial song .
15 Daytime activity concentrates on soaking up the sun by the pool and contemplating at leisure which of Ten Bel 's many activities to try next .
16 Does the whole conceptual perspective of the Monitor theory narrow down to a focus on filling in the blanks ?
17 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
18 Pupils must not become so intent on filling in the answers , that they ignore other important factors such as the " feel " and atmosphere of the site .
19 Reflecting on the author 's problems , he confessed that ‘ On turning over the different chapters ’ of The king 's Own , he felt that the designated hero , Willy Seymour , was not sufficiently ‘ the hero of my tale ’ :
20 One Opposition MP , whose constituency includes Cowley , is calling on Aerospace to invest in car-making the money it would have spent on paying back the Government .
21 In the course of doing so money will have to be spent on cleaning up the Six ( and , no doubt , eventually , the Soviet Union , too ) to ensure that they make respectable cohabitants of the new Europe which various leaders from Gorbachev to Delors to François Mitterrand have envisaged .
22 They are spending a lot of money in the South West on cleaning up the beaches .
23 It seems that we would be much better off if we spent money not on constructing a barrage but on cleaning up the various sewage works that I have castigated over the years .
24 Greenpeace also accuses the government of not complying with international agreements signed by Britain , such as the 1974 Paris Convention on cleaning up the North Sea .
25 It is hardly reasonable to expect the children to concentrate on sharing out the last of their emergency rations if the dinner ladies are putting out tables for lunch .
26 One of Stirling 's problems was that he was not content to let others do the raiding from time to time , though he had proved his own courage and nobody would have thought the worse of him had he decided to concentrate on sorting out the many administrative problems that beset L Detachment .
27 If you are intent on sorting out the problem , take courage and talk to your boss privately about his/her aggressive behaviour .
28 After dinner he planned to make a proper start on sorting out the contents of the house .
29 There are fifty officers working on tracking down the rapist .
30 Around 20 officers are working full time on tracking down the rapist .
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