Example sentences of "be put [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As our picture shows , Gillian ( centre left ) was presented with her £100 prize by Brenda Wylie , chairman of the house management committee , who said : ‘ We raised £885 through the raffle which we will be putting towards a converted car for our residents to use . ’
2 In fact , London qualified ambulance workers are being offered £12,100 , while to get anywhere near £25,000 a Metropolitan police constable would have to be putting in a huge amount of overtime — the annual pay of a PC with three years ' experience is £12,756 .
3 We 're committed to Harlow er , as an area we put considerable resources of our own into the first phase of er , the Three Hills and you 'll hear tonight we 'll be putting in a conditional er , two hundred thousand odd into into this phase from our own reserves .
4 Pretty soon I 'd be putting in a claim for ten per cent of his salary .
5 So she said , how much will I be putting in a fortnight she said in a electric cooker ?
6 The deal , at Northern Engineering Industries , Newcastle upon Tyne , will be put to a mass meeting of workers today .
7 If the building is no longer needed for its original purpose , could it be put to a new use ?
8 It is meant to be put to a specific use .
9 Otherwise , the issue will be put to a vote which also includes the world 's 20 smaller cricketing nations who currently lack Test status .
10 Otherwise , the issue will be put to a vote which also includes 20 smaller nations who lack Test status .
11 They say the question will be put to a referendum on May 15th and 16th .
12 The resolution below will be put to a vote at the final plenary .
13 Is planning permission required where the logical expansion of the catering enterprise requires part of the premises to be put to a different use ?
14 The argument is that funds should not be diverted to the government sector if they can be put to a more productive use in the private sector .
15 Scargill hoped for a ‘ domino effect ’ , to be promoted if necessary by the type of mass picketing which had been perfected a decade earlier , and the National Executive supported him ; only three members voted for a proposal that the demand for a national strike be put to a national ballot .
16 Questions relating to an offence may not be put to a person after he has been charged with that offence , or informed that he may be prosecuted for it , unless they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to some other person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement , or where it is in the interests of justice that the person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed that he might be prosecuted .
17 This could be put to a variety of uses .
18 Iliescu said that the NSF leadership had been criticized for giving in to mob rule , and that the issue , like that of the death penalty , should instead be put to a referendum .
19 A commission was appointed to draw up a new constitution which would be put to a referendum in mid-1990 .
20 The new military leader confirmed that Venda 's situation would be put to a referendum .
21 The proposals were to be put to a referendum after first being considered by the National Assembly .
22 On Oct. 10 it was announced that the central committee of the ruling party , the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , had approved a proposal for the drafting of a new constitution by a special commission which was to include representatives of " all socio-professional groups " ; the draft would be put to a referendum in late 1991 .
23 The Speaker of Parliament on Nov. 17 refused to allow a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister , Solomon Mamaloni , to be put to a vote .
24 Brooke would chair the talks which , he said , would be allowed to continue for about three months , and any agreed outcome would be put to a referendum in both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic .
25 It ended in mid-August , reporting that a new constitution , providing for multiparty elections within six months , would be put to a referendum .
26 The commission would draft a new constitution to be put to a referendum , and if it won popular support , multiparty presidential and legislative elections would be held before the end of the year .
27 On March 3 King Hassan announced that at some time prior to the legislative elections which were scheduled for Oct. 9 , 1992 , constitutional changes to establish a better balance between legislative and executive bodies would be put to a referendum .
28 Alternatively the revision could be put to a referendum rather than to the " congress " .
29 The prospect of talks diminished after Fujimori 's announcement on May 24 that the proposal for the " constitutional congress " would be put to a national plebescite on July 6 .
30 He was then granted full power for six months as well as authority to draw up a new constitution , which would be put to a popular referendum for ratification .
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