Example sentences of "be put in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only alternative would be to put in an inferior system , which means that the German aircraft would be less capable than those in the other three air forces .
2 In fact , London qualified ambulance workers are being offered £12,100 , while to get anywhere near £25,000 a Metropolitan police constable would have to be putting in a huge amount of overtime — the annual pay of a PC with three years ' experience is £12,756 .
3 We 're committed to Harlow er , as an area we put considerable resources of our own into the first phase of er , the Three Hills and you 'll hear tonight we 'll be putting in a conditional er , two hundred thousand odd into into this phase from our own reserves .
4 Pretty soon I 'd be putting in a claim for ten per cent of his salary .
5 So she said , how much will I be putting in a fortnight she said in a electric cooker ?
6 ‘ I rented it , so I 'll be putting in an expense claim . ’
7 I did n't just wan na be put in a chair , given some lyrics to read and say ‘ that 's it . ’
8 He knew that without Sweetheart 's loving protection he would be put in a Home with criminals and perverts and mad people who attacked small boys .
9 As soon as the seeds germinate , the tray must be put in a cooler position with full light supplied — if you do n't do this they will get weak and leggy and be very prone to damping off disease .
10 only then will the separate individuals be liberated from the various national and local barriers , be brought into practical connection with the material and intellectual product of the whole world and be put in a position to acquire the capacity to enjoy this all-sided product of the whole earth , the creations of man .
11 When Milton is resting he is turned out during the day , but he has to be put in a field without much grass because he is incurably greedy and , given the opportunity , gets very fat in no time at all .
12 It is available as pills or as a liquid and can if wanted be put in a glass of water to be sipped .
13 Could the topic perhaps be put in a different way ?
14 Envelopes for donation can be had from Helen Chalmers or Theresa Scott or donations can be put in a plain envelope marked for BMS BIRTHDAY SCHEME .
15 ‘ But my dear girl , you do n't know these other pupils , ’ she had said when Eve had politely requested that she should not be put in a public position of a non-fee-paying student .
16 Or he 'll trap us somehow , and call other humans , and they 'll all start milling around and mooing , and we 'll be put in a cage or something , and prodded .
17 His Liberty-style wrapping paper slip-ons were made specifically with youth hostels in mind : ‘ At the end of the stay , they would be put in a dispenser and recycled .
18 General Secretaries would then be obliged to satisfy the membership and could be put in a classic squeeze when they were approached at top level , even if supporting NoS was against their better judgement .
19 These copies should then be put in a safe place , well out of harm 's way .
20 Each category had to be put in a different container and taken to a collection centre .
21 Then they were to be put in a tin or other suitable container .
22 They can be put in a timber floor or in a trench in a solid floor .
23 Hastily leaving Limoges on the pretext of a hunting party Henry gave instructions that his castles should be put in a state of war-readiness .
24 The eggs need to be put in a warm place to hatch .
25 I mean if they can be put in a room or
26 On archaeological sites , pits are frequently found that were used for the disposal of household refuse that would nowadays be put in a dustbin , collected by the municipal authorities , and taken to a communal rubbish tip .
27 It is said that it would be wrong that the justices should be put in a position of making an order on the merits of the case that there should be no contact , when the next day the local authority and the parent could depart from that order .
28 Regarding central/local relations the report urged that local authorities should have greater powers to determine their own structure , organization and policy and should be put in a stronger financial position .
29 Well , they used to do them at fourpence ha'penny a pair , and each one must be put in a big envelope , so as it could go out on this catalogue business .
30 All entries to the Supercrozzle will be put in a drum and the first correct entries drawn out will be the winners .
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