Example sentences of "be use for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now the rag I should be using for this is the very dirty one and I 've started off with the clean one by accident .
2 He also handed over a cheque for £500 to be used for technological development in the programme .
3 Only a part of the electromagnetic spectrum can be used for remote sensing for , as noted earlier , energy in some spectral bands is absorbed or scattered by the atmosphere .
4 On Nov. 17 Rafsanjani condemned the United States for attempting to dissuade China and India from transferring to Iran nuclear technology to be used for non-military purposes .
5 Rozen reported hypoxia and recommended that narcotics should not be used for gastrintestinal endoscopy in the elderly .
6 As well as helping us transmute negative emotions such as anger , fear and hate into optimism and joy , they can be used for psychic protection — and the effect can be immediate .
7 Normally a biosensor can not be used for practical biofluid measurements without some degree of protection from background interference and biofouling .
8 Comparative findings might be used for normative , or even polemical , purposes in order to support or oppose certain aspects of a country 's domestic industrial relations policy .
9 Up to eight 16Mb or 32Mb modules can be used for global memory at $12,000 for 16Mb , $16,000 for 32Mb .
10 This study underlines the highly selective nature of relationships which can be used for emotional support in life circumstances which are personally distressing or disruptive .
11 The lecture periods could be used for outside visitors , or for specific and relevant accounts by teachers who did not normally participate in the work ; examples were the playing of records of part of Haydn 's Creation with explanation and commentary , by a teacher made specially available , and a talk on Red Indian tribes by a visitor from a local museum , together with overhead transparencies , slides and objects from the museum collection .
12 This neutralised the efforts of the consortium since all funds committed so far had been for the purchase of the collection intact ; they could not be used for individual sale bids or any subsequent related negotiations .
13 Can be used for individual study .
14 However , Homoeopathy can be used for simple acute illnesses such as those described in this book , without a full understanding of its philosophy and theory .
15 They may be used for simple emphasis , as in ( 5 ) ( c ) , or to highlight some property , implied by the noun but still in some way surprising as in ( 5 ) ( a ) , or for the sake of a contrast , as in ( 5 ) ( b ) .
16 Some hotels maintain graphs and charts to be used for easy visual reference and to gain an overall picture without having to refer to detailed records .
17 Used in conjunction with a normal trowel for coinshooting , it can sit on the belt out of the way and be used for easy recovery of the deeper targets .
18 Where men like Bradford of Pippingford Warren attempted to enclose the remaining wastes of Ashdown Forest and succeeded , it was a comparatively rare event ; unlike the Midlands enclosure , which frequently redistributed arable land , the sand and clay of Wealden waste required wholesale draining and massive injections of capital before they could be used for profitable corn-growing .
19 The company says the funds will be used for continued product development .
20 However , it does allow numeric variables to be used for logical operations .
21 Wonford House Hospital continued to be used for acute and rehabilitation services and though a mental health centre at Tiverton has been developed the schism between the old and the new has not been so marked .
22 Catheters and endoscopes can be used for safer and less painful investigations .
23 In addition , the ‘ Design Now ’ room can be used for temporary exhibitions selected ( we are informed ) , not only by V&A staff but also by industrialists , critics , visitors , and makers — by individuals ‘ with distinctive views about design ’ .
24 One solution to the problem is to think of the prescribed forms of standard written English as a sort of register : a variety to be used for specific purposes ( including writing coursework essays and exam answers ) which nevertheless may not be a variety that you identify much with , by comparison with the usage of your family and friends .
25 These needs must include the needs to live a natural life and not be used for invasive procedures or be kept in restrictive confinement .
26 Although a large drill , the PC550 ERP can be used for delicate screwdriving work if needed
27 A selection of fine-tipped artist brushes is invaluable for painting icing and marzipan with food colouring , and can be used for delicate detailing such as facial features or modelled figures and other objects , and for large-scale washed effects .
28 Feedback resistors of 3kΩ are included in the chip but , again , external resistors can be used for other gain settings ; care must be exercised here , though , to avoid instability , increased noise and reduced bandwidth .
29 The next job is to reconfigure the mexeflote rafts so that they can be used for other tasks .
30 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
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