Example sentences of "be see [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is all very interestin' , ’ said the Mayor , ‘ but I ca n't say one way or t' other , it 'll have to be discussed in council and there 's yon bridge to be seen to now .
2 It will be seen at once that these statements are more specific and precise than aims , which raises an important question .
3 It can be seen at once that this essence or core of the conception is sufficiently basic and general to allow ample scope for the more elaborated and specific definitions which we often meet with .
4 Both the problem and the interest of the sociology of culture can be seen at once in the difficulty of its apparently defining term : ‘ culture ’ .
5 This was to be seen with more telling effect in the coal dispute which started some 6 months later .
6 The nodes or links point to text blocks , but the semantic net can be seen without necessarily seeing the text blocks .
7 Such clearly defined patterns are to be seen in both social and political , as well as all other systems .
8 Evidence of this can be seen in both Indian painting and architecture of the period , as well as in the rug designs , and Persian aesthetic ideals and compositions remain an integral part of Indian weaving to this day .
9 That parties are coalitions of interests can be seen in both Britain and the United States and particularly in the latter .
10 A good example of the problem caused by anhydrite cementation can be seen in well 48/22–1 ( Fig. 19 ) in the southern North Sea , which was drilled on a dip-closed structure at ‘ base Zechstein' level .
11 The incentive/disincentive effects of taxation can be direct and indirect and they can be seen in either broad or narrow terms .
12 That there is a real disjunction between what the ideal institution ought to do and what it does can be seen in yet another attempt to describe the BBC as the ideal typical ‘ public service , institution .
13 But this basic situation , in order to be made into something which people will have pleasure in reading , has to be seen in almost the exactly opposite light , as the gradual making clear of things .
14 Only your detective , perhaps , will need to be seen in somewhat greater depth , since your readers have got to sympathise with him or her and to do that they probably need more than just one point of contact .
15 But characters will be much more present , be seen in much greater , convoluted depth even than in the detective novel .
16 The benefits of controlled breathing can be seen in so many cases .
17 His close-set eyes daily reviewed documents which would otherwise only be seen by perhaps half a dozen people — up to and including the President himself .
18 On Friday they 'll come out of the garage , to be seen by around 60,000 visitors at the Spring Gardening Show in Malvern .
19 ‘ publicly expose ’ Publicly means an exposure which can be seen by more than one person .
20 The two local policemen came around one day and suggested I place a red light in a window which could be seen by as many neighbours or passers-by as possible .
21 ‘ If it can be seen from here then let Mitch look and take photographs .
22 This burning , lighting up the sky , would be seen from afar .
23 Monuments to a dream that turned into a nightmare , they can still be seen from afar , standing tall and silent like dinosaurs waiting to become extinct .
24 The fuselage , or that part of it that could be seen from above , appeared to be relatively intact .
25 It is a beautiful front but , as can be seen from above , it is only a façade , not a constructional form .
26 It was used in a similar way by the newly literate or semi-literate Bolsheviks at the higher levels of the Smolensk and Kursk guberniia party organizations , as can be seen from even a cursory reading of their minutes .
27 Nevertheless , as will be seen from both Precedent 1 and Precedent 2 , neither the buyer nor the seller has chosen to rely on this maxim .
28 But the barbed wire has now been boarded up , presumably because the detainees must neither look out nor be seen from outside .
29 If it 's no I think what we agreed Glynis if it was going to be a stone it could go in the wall where it could be seen from outside .
30 The island 's highest point is over 700 feet at the summit of Ward Hill and on clear days this can be seen from seaward at distance up to thirty miles .
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