Example sentences of "be make for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 When , on 25 March 1859 , the tsar announced the principles on which Russian local government was to be based in the future , he acknowledged that provision had to be made for involving the public .
2 With a background in ICI 's pharmaceutical and paints operations , he told The Economist a year ago that a case could be made for hanging onto the jewels and getting rid of the tarnished tinsel .
3 As the craftswomen are already familiar with the floral studies under development , production of the new pieces should not involve any new training , or new allowances to be made for learning curves .
4 It is frequently said that like changes have not been seen since the invention of the printed book but a good argument can be made for comparing the IT revolution with the invention of writing itself .
5 But the application of knowledge drives a new learning curve and strong arguments can be made for using regional funds to develop new technologies in the interests of local economic growth where both industry and the university can benefit .
6 Highly specialised manufacturing equipment , chemical cleanser for photographic equipment , or nuts and bolts for plumbing equipment do not readily lend themselves to sampling , but a case might be made for including small but appropriate gifts in any press pack .
7 Whenever possible provision should be made for relocating or retraining dismissed staff , not only because of the personal benefits to those involved , but also because of the effects on the remaining staff 's morale .
8 Indeed , a reasonable case can be made for accepting a date of between 340-370 for this mosaic ( if not Wheeler 's suggested dates ) on the basis of stylistic comparisons with some other pavements with type A arrangements .
9 Monthly payments will then be made for maintaining the lands in a way that preserves their wildlife and scenic beauty .
10 Furthermore a strong case can be made for arguing that religious commitment is the only way to understand the depths of religion which from the outside may remain sheer enigma .
11 There is also sometimes a case to be made for offering a present as a " thank you " .
12 A case can be made for giving tolbutamide to those 65 years and over who are obese Type 2 patients and need an oral agent .
13 We now consider how provision may be made for manipulating subdivisions of a word .
14 Provision should be made for ensuring that the competences specified can take into account changes which may occur in technology or market requirements .
15 It is precisely because prisoners are shut away , lacking legal , moral and political respectability , held at the mercy of , and dependent on the goodwill of , the State , that a case can be made for vesting special positive rights in prisoners .
16 Though lost or not , as you 've never received any official sanction there must be a strong case to be made for claiming that you 're trading illegally . ’
17 Certainly , a case could be made for granting entry to all full-time teachers in further education , who if they do not possess formal qualifications at least almost invariably have considerable industrial or business experience .
18 If a patient has lost much weight and particularly if underweight , then a good case can be made for commencing insulin .
19 What provision will be made for soundproofing ?
20 Provision must be made for linking related subjects .
21 A property which has enabled claims to be made for extending disinfection intervals or conferring protection against re-contamination .
22 We have seen , then , that the historical reasons for charging in the social services are diverse and often contradictory , but a case can still be made for charging on a priori grounds .
23 Certainly after yet another record victory , and the third highest of all time by anyone in the Championship , a strong case would be made for saying so .
24 Arguments can be made for excluding or including these .
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