Example sentences of "be for [art] good " in BNC.

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1 I had a feeling it would be for the best , I said , when I stopped on the hard shoulder that day .
2 I thought long and hard about it but in the end I decided it would be for the best .
3 ‘ You think it would be for the best then ? ’
4 ‘ I know it 'll be for the best .
5 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
6 If by working with Roirbak it meant she had to leave Star Eye , it might be for the best .
7 As I shall say to her , it might all be for the best — now that he is king , I expect Edward will decide for himself whom to marry . ’
8 For a brief moment , she actually thought he would defy the old man , but then her heart sank when he sheepishly replied , ‘ Perhaps it would be for the best , dear . ’
9 Far more pupils are taken on than can hope to succeed in practice , and if you have not been able to impress any barrister sufficiently with your qualities to be taken on , it may perhaps be for the best that you are forced to look to a different career at this juncture .
10 In the end , however , this turned out to be for the best .
11 After all , it may be for the best .
12 ‘ It may be for the best , man , ’ Agnew was saying , ‘ though God knows I know how you must feel .
13 ‘ I truly feel it would be for the best . ’
14 The county council say their changes will be for the better for most passengers and will provide improvements in services in the Alton area .
15 It would have been a distressing upheaval indeed — I think Elizabeth found ‘ Braemar ’ so depressing that she did not enter as deeply as I into Ivy 's sufferings ; she could not help hoping that a change might be for the better .
16 During the period between the Fascist ascendancy of 1934 and the collapse of Mosley 's hopes in March 1937 , Joyce 's personal life had undergone a change which seemed to be for the better .
17 If the purpose of the annexation be for the better enjoyment of the object itself , it may remain a chattel , notwithstanding a high degree of physical annexation .
18 And at first glance , these promise to be for the better .
19 I know people say well oh it 's , of course it 's changed ownership , well things change ownership and it can be for the better as well for the worst ca n't it ?
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