Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We intend to focus much more on our customers and their needs so that in all we do , from land purchase to after-sales service , we recognise that we need to be a customer driven company .
2 The interest protected must be such as the court would enforce against the land or charge , and the cautioner must be a person interested in any land or charge registered in the name of another person .
3 ‘ It might still be a bit premature to suggest that we have made it if we beat Lithuania , but it would then become very close especially as we play them again in Dublin in September . ’
4 Now his club 's tighthead , he has gone out of this way to improve his scrummaging technique with specialist advice from among others , his boss , Sandy Carmichael , the 50-times capped Scottish and Lions tighthead Iain Milne ( ‘ immensely helpful ’ ) and Jim Telfer ( ‘ he is just the kind of coach I need because I can be a bit lazy and the fact that he just keeps at you all the time was very good for me ’ ) .
5 He can be a bit lazy but ability-wise he is in a class of his own .
6 It looks as though you 're gon na be a bit unlucky , wait a minute , oh no , no I 'm a wanderer , do , do , do , do no that 's your lot Paula I wonder if they 've got any more of those decent knives , those Kitchen Devils
7 Oh that that must be a bit galling for you , really , John .
8 If it is a hot year this date could be a bit late , if it is a backward year it could be a bit early , but it is a good average date .
9 A Sunday night in September may be a bit early for Christmas but the Leadmill has already got the turkey in .
10 Cunningham , who has not played since May 1 has still trained hard , and he admitted yesterday : ‘ Realistically , I could not play in Saturday 's Test that would be a bit early . ’
11 That 's gon na be a bit gon na be a bit loud that Gav .
12 But on less even surfaces it can be a bit bobbly .
13 Well , the jacks thought i– would be a bit crowded but they all jumped into the beds .
14 If it is a hot year this date could be a bit late , if it is a backward year it could be a bit early , but it is a good average date .
15 Dear Horace , I think I may be a bit late with this as here in the antipodes , and especially being some way down a circulation list , your column takes some weeks to reach me .
16 It could 've varied , you know , any time if you like from , from March till May and without knowing the exact date you might be a bit late or a bit too early er for future business .
17 I know we 're always up by then but you never know , we might s be a bit late
18 She might just about made it then because she certainly seemed to be a bit late on the move .
19 Oh , the neighbour rang me up and said by the way she 'll be a bit late
20 The journey to Reykjavik is not so good , and , although it is along a very reasonable road , it can be a bit daunting for the newcomer .
21 It can be a bit daunting dealing with a single grain and this is one way of ensuring the patient does n't have to worry whether the poppy seed really did drop into the bottle and similarly the practitioner can be reasonably confident of eliminating this danger in assessing any lack of reaction .
22 ‘ People can be a bit odd at first but after they realise I 'm not trying to chat them up it 's okay .
23 He may be a bit ropey at times but he plays his best for us and do n't forget the goals he scored , including one which put paid to the scouse red shite in 1991 .
24 It could be a bit vulgar , I grant you , but Rabelaisian , nothing nasty . ’
25 she can be a bit vulgar , she does say some really stupid things sometimes .
26 Mind you it might be a bit uncomfortable on the head
27 so he took some bread down and then popped up to the gate where they these were sort of quite a way a way , and Gemma said you wait there with Jane and I 'll invite those people to come up , you see and erm , I 've got ta be a bit cool , went to the table to put some bread there course it an awful and she
28 And finally , staying with generalities on migration , I think it behoves us all to be a bit cautious because I see quite a lot of fantasy and fiction around in in this E I P and I 'd be guilty of it myself at times .
29 Because at the moment , er I mean they spend a lot of money on various footpaths that I know of which are a tremendous er price so let's be a bit cautious you know , because er
30 There 's an assumption by some politicians that just because there is this immense change taking place in Eastern Europe , that this is victory for Western capitalism erm , I think there might be some of who might be a bit cautious about that victory and might believe that er there is still much that needs to be shared and understood and it is n't as simple as perhaps some political figures might suggest it could be .
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