Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Larger amounts may be withdrawn by cheque .
2 Clovenstone Triangle The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
3 Clovenstone Triangle– The council decided to delete the proposal from the south west Edinburgh local plan but if any competent objections should be received , which could not be withdrawn by negotiation , it could be necessary to hold a second public local inquiry .
4 How long shall we be enslaved by hate , bitterness , fear and selfishness ?
5 The first is that national interests can be guarded by way of intergovernmental agreements made in association with the Treaties .
6 This was not a limitation in this analysis because endo-metriosis has to be diagnosed by laparoscopy or laparotomy .
7 ‘ A person 's basic character can not be altered by surgery .
8 Behavioural coefficients , such as the savings rates , may be altered by taxation .
9 This is the same as saying that reality can be altered by perception , and that the problem will go away if we cease to think of Germany as a country .
10 This position may be altered by agreement .
11 It may be a reason why the law should be altered by statute ; it does not prevent it from being law , or affect its operation , as long as no alteration in the law is made by statute .
12 The temperatures experienced by a mineral in the crust or mantle can be affected by heat flow from below while the pressure can be altered by loading and unloading of the crust above .
13 The effect of digestive enzymes is uncertain at present : no discernible modification is apparent using standard light microscopes and scanning electron microscopes , but there is a suggestion that the chemical composition of the bone may be altered by digestion ( Dauphin et al. , 1988 ) , and this could be species-specific , leading to the identification of predators by their chemical signature on the bones of their prey .
14 This means that it can now only be altered by amendment by leave of the House .
15 CAD can , in theory , enable shapes or text shown on a screen to be altered by hand .
16 Economics and geography could be altered by human , at least European , agency : ‘ Reversing the trend of people going over the border is the long-term objective ’ ( whose objective — whether that of the World Bank , of Britain , of other unnamed financial interests , or even perhaps of the Lesothans themselves — is left unclear ) .
17 Surely , one could argue , it can only be recognized by knowledge of some convention that U means z ; but in that case we can do away with talk of complex intentions and construct an account of communication based directly on the notion of conventional signal .
18 This morphology does not lend itself to analysis after conventional staining since only a few of the autosomes show distinguishing features in the form of secondary constrictions ( Figure 3a ) and , of the sex chromosomes , only the Y of some strains can be recognized by virtue of occasionally visible unique features ( Figure 3a ) .
19 The decision in Pickstone v. Freemans Plc. [ 1989 ] A.C. 66 which authorises the court to look at ministerial statements made in introducing regulations which could not be amended by Parliament is logically indistinguishable from such statements made in introducing a statutory provision which , though capable of amendment , was not in fact amended .
20 Muscular aches and pains can be eased by eucalyptus , camomile , lavender or marjoram .
21 The justification for them is well established : many local government services are required by national legislation , local variations in needs and resources can be equalized by grant adjustments , the impact of the regressive rating system can be reduced , and so on .
22 Collection will now be undertaken by company members of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers .
23 The fact that the sample was on display at all , bore silent testimony to the success of the most expensive and profound voyage ever to be undertaken by man .
24 Any alteration to the pleadings thereafter can only be undertaken by Minute of Amendment and whether or not that is permissible is a matter of discretion for the Court .
25 Clearly , an accurate account of the effects of social policy in the area of juvenile crime could not be undertaken by reference solely to official statistics .
26 ‘ Contracts are let for the bridgeworks and clearance work , drainage , track laying and fencing will probably be undertaken by specialist teams .
27 To do so , many more processes have to be undertaken by food manufacturers , each stage adding value and also incurring extra risk of contamination .
28 The majority of data collection will be undertaken by interview .
29 To contract out more functions which do not have to be undertaken by health authority staff and which could be provided more cost effectively by the private sector .
30 The effect is , therefore , an infernally hard one to spot … and yet Thom found more alignments with standstills than could realistically be explained by chance .
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