Example sentences of "be [vb pp] on time " in BNC.

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1 This new ‘ workflow ’ software opened up vast new possibilities for DIP solutions that could be justified on time savings and service improvements as well as space savings .
2 A Korean acetic acid plant will be completed on time .
3 There is no way that the repairs will be completed on time , but we have been assured that the hall will be patched up and the festival will be running as planned . ’
4 If a back-up copy is available a potential disaster can be averted and the urgent report or whatever can still be completed on time .
5 The constitution guarantees federal payments , but that does not mean they have to be made on time .
6 Adam Swannson , the senior partner of the haulage firm , confirmed these deliveries would be made on time , provided that he could subcontract the Belfast delivery .
7 Payment should of course be made on time .
8 Sometimes I try to think about the concepts behind the immersion and about being spiritually cleansed , and sometimes mikva is just something that has to be done on time , and the spiritual significance is almost forgotten in the ritual of the act .
9 In the middle of the afternoon , when it seemed that the work would never be done on time , Bellybutton arrived at the yard .
10 A special loan so that , say , all the statues in Cairo can be cleaned on time for the Khedive 's birthday .
11 Fees will normally be based on time taken at premium rates to reflect the skills and responsibilities of the assignment or on some mix of fixed and contingency fee .
12 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
13 The fee for this type of work would again be based on time taken plus outlays , but , since it is a detailed survey , it will be more costly than the Type 1 search described above .
14 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and naturally is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
15 The fee for this type of work would again be based on time taken plus outlays , but , since it is a detailed survey , it will be more costly than the Type 1 search described above .
16 If such a fee is unavoidable , it may be agreed that it should be based on time spent .
17 On the other hand , they were more optimistic yesterday than for many months that the long legislative process to make the single market a reality by December 31 , 1992 would be finished on time .
18 On the other hand , they were more optimistic yesterday than for many months that the long legislative process to make the single market a reality by December 31 , 1992 would be finished on time .
19 There 's work in plenty if we 're to be finished on time .
20 Category A debt 's interest will be paid on time with the principal repaid as cash comes in ; interest on B debt will be rolled up and the capital not repaid until all A debt is redeemed .
21 Heron proposes classifying debt as A and B. Category A interest would continue to be paid on time with principal repaid from cash generated by the ongoing businesses and asset disposals .
22 That is , little risk that you will be paid on time .
23 If you do n't bill on time you ca n't expect to be paid on time .
24 The landlord 's argument will be that the rent should be paid on time , but the tenant could respond that it is a fairly recent innovation for rent to be paid in advance as opposed to in arrears and , furthermore , that the landlord has the benefit of three months ' rent in advance , despite the fact that it may not arrive on the actual quarter day .
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