Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] year " in BNC.

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1 Hand-knitted sweaters are hot fashion items this winter , and can be treasured for years to come .
2 A lot can be blamed on years of dictatorship and rotten planning — but not all .
3 Contributions are usually made entirely by the company , and can be varied from year to year .
4 At the end of the term and the completion of the topic , staff agreed that satisfactory progress seemed to be made from year group to year group in terms of the development of writing skills .
5 A lease can be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the expiry of five years unless the war ends .
6 A lease might be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the war ends .
7 The BDA 's involvement in Europe is from a historical point of view likely to be seen in years to come as the finest achievement of the last few years .
8 ‘ It can not be done overnight , but when we look at all our successful neighbours in Europe , we know it can be done over years , so not only do we have an economy in which we all have confidence , a society in which we can all be at ease , and a country of which we can all be proud , but our children can have the benefit too , ’ he said .
9 This Agreement between the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Executive of the Employment Service sets out the aim and objectives of the Employment Service and the targets to be met in year 1 April 1993 to 31 March 1994 .
10 But we will have a record of achievement , this system will not be used for years
11 Business as usual pledge while City clear-up goes onBuildings face demolition : Staples Corner flyover could be closed for year
12 ‘ I expected my times at Marseille to be measured in years and months , not weeks and days .
13 The intracerebral route results in the shortest incubation , which nevertheless may be measured in years .
14 The tiles directly underneath seemed to be worn after years of having bare feet placed on them .
15 While it was widely accepted that by the end of the month few visible signs of the disaster remained , environmentalists warned against deceptive appearances and claimed that marine life could be affected for years to come .
16 A vendor technology reference programme for product testing will be introduced by year end and SAG will embark on a sales campaign for the specifications .
17 Mrs Still is still an active lady at 88 and walks regularly down into the village visiting friends not nearly as old as she , a marvellous lady who will be remembered for years , when a lot of so called important folk are long forgotten .
18 Some of these will be remembered for years to come , not only in Halling but where ever the cement barges called .
19 Progress is often slow , and can be counted in years .
20 What we are going to do is find a diet that not only helps you to achieve effective weight loss , but is really healthy , suits your individual needs , and can be followed for years to come in order to maintain the weight and shape you want .
21 Er , well , she she 's not being supported by the commission for year one , and in fact she wo n't be supported for year two either , so the thing that , I I 'm I 'm I put it in as a potential budget
22 A familiar name or mark is very influential as many who buy computer hardware and software will look for a product which is likely to be of reasonable quality and will be supported in years to come .
23 Here we review the significant progress made during Year Two of the plan , and look ahead to the action that will be taken during Year Three .
24 This would allow 2 x 2 weeks holidays to be taken per year for ( 1 ) plus 1 x 1 weeks holiday to be taken per year for ( 2 ) .
25 This would allow 2 x 2 weeks holidays to be taken per year for ( 1 ) plus 1 x 1 weeks holiday to be taken per year for ( 2 ) .
26 The figures for the first two years are easy as these decisions have already been taken , years four and five are merely projections on current assumptions while the hard decisions have at this stage to be taken for year three .
27 Instead , some account ( as yet unclear ) will be taken of years out of the labour market .
28 KIM WILDE : For allowing herself to be subjected to year after year of pathetic changes of image which only serve to make her look uncomfortable , especially the latest one , with the expensive Marilyn Monroe dress , loads of cleavage and sub-Belinda Carlisle rock balladeering .
29 Nothing important would be lost at first ; maybe nothing important would be lost for years .
30 The pills themselves , if stored tightly capped , out of the sun and away from strong smells , can be kept for years without loss of potency .
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