Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 These explanations can not be the whole answer , however , because it still remains to be explained why it is that human females are much more prone to ailurophobia than human males .
2 Good reasons can be given why it should not .
3 Er Miss 's got a few bits for people there so could you make sure they get there 's some football letters to be given out I think .
4 If any greater certainty could be given then it could be done only by an unacceptable narrowing of the duty to restrict it to a part of the auditors responsibilities and we 're also concerned that to do so could have potentially wide ranging implications for the scope of auditor 's functions more generally .
5 He had no intention of changing his way of life , but how it was to be sustained now he had no idea .
6 If a comprehensive task description can be completed then it is legitimate to enquire why the task can not be allocated to a technical device rather than a human being .
7 The bubbling song of whimbrel mingled with the excited yelping of breeding redshank could be heard whenever we stopped for a break .
8 That letter identifies you , authorizes you to be flown anywhere you tell Wrede .
9 Singapore is sending a 30-man army medical team : a token of its long-standing conviction that aggression has to be punished wherever it happens .
10 Posters and signs may be placed anywhere they will catch the eye of potential customers : on hoardings , walls and windows , on boards outside the shop ; on vehicles and delivery vans ; inside and outside buses .
11 Erm , quality of print paper down the print shop does have to be checked so they may well use as a guide but they wo n't necessarily go thorough all the cost estimates .
12 Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples .
13 Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples .
14 Yes I 'd love to get rid of a lot of them but I 'm yo you have got two ongoing problems both of which need to be treated so I think to start er cutting things out could make you a lot worse .
15 Two or more of these individual meanings tend , however , to be mixed whenever we use the word .
16 The draft law proposes that such work of art will be considered legally yours after twenty years .
17 Er in fact the discussion on Friday was re tied back to the criterion in the County Council 's er policy which says , be capable of being assimilated satisfactorily into the local landscape which in the course of the discussion , was erm extended to also take on board the possibility that it could be located where it may produce environmental improvements on the use of derelict land .
18 Everything 's got to be sorted out I think her pram and her other desk is gon na have to go up in the
19 The prisoner learns in this jungle to trust no one , and because no one is to be trusted then it becomes additionally dangerous to share feelings because you never know when they will be used against you .
20 He did make the inevitable protest of the recently released prisoner : was he to be hounded wherever he went , just because of the recent trip ‘ abroad ’ , and surely that debt was paid in full and he could be allowed to start again in , of all places , his old home , which he was only visiting in the hope of finding where his parents had moved to ; to lose touch with his dear mother was not to be borne ; he needed to talk with his parents , to explain things to them , and ask for their forgiveness .
21 I come to Central Region quite regularly as a cycling tourist , and the train service from Edinburgh to Stirling and Dunblane is very useful because cycles can be carried on it , free of charge .
22 If a successful operation is to be carried out it is essential that newborn litters in the foster colony are synchronized with full term pregnant females of the strain to be re-derived .
23 If this rather delicate visit to John were to be carried out it must be done immediately , before her courage failed .
24 If a relatively simple redesign of an existing product is to be carried out it will start in the appropriate box , for example that labelled design and development , and that labelled prototype/testing may or may not be invoked , depending on the confidence level that the task can be successfully carried out .
25 5.12.4 Unless the Landlord shall otherwise direct to carry out and complete before the expiry of the Term any works required to be carried out to or in the Premises as a condition of any planning permission which may have been granted during the Term irrespective of the date by which such works were required to be carried out It is understandable that a landlord will wish to ensure that the tenant not only complies with planning legislation but also does not make application for planning permission without the landlord 's consent .
26 Parents should be educated how they can help prevent their baby being abducted .
27 If people know that a new rule will be applied retrospectively they will behave in accordance with whatever rules they imagine courts would think in the general interest , and this will provide a great part of the advantage of such rules without the need actually to enact or adjudicate them .
28 Housing estates for their workers can be built wherever they are needed .
29 Her identity is widely known in the village , but her wishes are respected and her name will not be revealed here She is the last of a long line of illustrious cheesemakers and her regular clients can only hope that she will pass on her expertise to the next generation .
30 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
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