Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Points ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) will be commented on later ( see Remarks ( i ) after 1.9.3 Theorem 1.4.10 and the Remark following 1.5.1 respectively ) .
2 As he points out , a large part of the former Soviet Union 's food shortages could be eased by better packaging of agricultural products .
3 Physical distress or mental depression might be eased by better treatment .
4 The pessimistic assumption , occasionally evident in this survey , that systematic in-service training can only be undertaken by larger or wealthier authorities-those able to release staff from service points easily , or able to afford expensive external courses — is disturbing , inequitable and inaccurate .
5 The nature of this theory will be explained in greater detail in Chapter 3 , but it is a composite , compromise theory which is capable of synthesizing the insights of Fitzgerald and Sim , Bottoms , Hall , and Woolf .
6 Since the dose ( and serum concentrations achieved ) were higher with CI Gammagard , the decreased rate of infection might be explained by higher specific antibody concentrations .
7 You should research them as you write up your notes and prepare precise definitions which can be referred to later .
8 Plans for materials etc involve stock control and purchasing , which will be referred to later in the chapter .
9 While the questions asked by the teacher are vital and shall be referred to later it is the development of this skill in pupils which is crucial to their progression .
10 Children who do show difficulties in the screening test for vision must be referred for further examination .
11 And because you have to be bursting with energy and health to do the top jobs , they have to be given to younger men .
12 Credit can be given to further sales , but the risks of not being paid are reduced if security is taken .
13 there would appear to be a need for closer monitoring of attendance on induction training for new academic staff and perhaps a higher priority to be given to further staff development and training of mid-career and senior staff in the area of teaching and learning-facilitating skills .
14 Serious consideration must be given to further diplomatic and other action .
15 It is indeed true that balance of payments deficits can be sustained for longer than they could a generation ago ; we would have never got this far without a much worse sterling crisis if that were not the case .
16 As time passed she could be halted for longer and longer intervals , and eventually she forgot her rearing habit altogether .
17 For various reasons , DATEC decided that , with one exception , no college proposals would be validated for Higher Certificate and Higher Diploma courses which would allow a start before September 1982 ; as a consequence , there are at present relatively small numbers of students on these courses .
18 The precarious hold of the party over cultural ideology will be examined in greater detail in Chapter 6 .
19 The points raised in this brief summary of Marxist theory will now be examined in greater detail .
20 The problems surrounding the meaning of consent and different approaches to its proper scope will now be examined in greater detail .
21 300 households will be examined in further detail to ascertain the relationship between household structure and labour market participation in the recent past .
22 The full consequences of external borrowing ( debt ) to pay for oil imports and economic development will be examined in later chapters .
23 Some of the above points will be examined in later chapters .
24 There is , however , one theoretical criterion by which rias , which have been later infilled , can be differentiated from lower reaches aggraded solely by the deposition of river alluvium : it lies in the suggestion that , if a ria or estuary had existed , the old shores at the side should show signs of marine cliffing .
25 For example , within a particular phoneme class , social groups can appear to be differentiated by greater or lesser preference for one particular phonetic realization of a single sound-segment .
26 Rouse can be heard to better effect on a live recording from a San Francisco Monk tribute in October 1988 , seven weeks before his death .
27 Echoes of these symbolic assertions of ducal autonomy were also to be heard at later periods .
28 The references should be consulted for fuller accounts of experimental work on extensional flow , but present work seems to support the Zimm non-free-draining model ( Chap .
29 The entries for the other faculties should be consulted for further details .
30 Your LIFESPAN 08.00 documentation should be consulted for further details .
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