Example sentences of "be [adj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The main argument of postmodernists who have sympathies with the political left seems to have been that postmodernism can be supportive of a left politics rooted in principles of pluralism and ‘ difference ’ .
2 At levels 9 and 10 , the activities themselves will not differ significantly in kind , but pupils will require teaching which helps them to act with increasing confidence and fluency , to take a leading role in discussions , to be supportive of the contributions of others , to prepare presentations effectively ( including the use of audiovisual aids and handouts ) , to be rigorous in argument and the use of evidence , and to take effective account of audience and context .
3 Eckmire , anxious to be seen to be supportive of the departing champion , added : ‘ Our sponsorship position has always assumed that Nigel would be driving for Williams next year and we echo the British public 's sentiments . ’
4 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
5 ‘ The crowd will be supportive of the players , too , because what they ask is that the players do all they can for their country , ’ said Roxburgh .
6 Indeed , the huge TV screen set up for the occasion is now predicting that the Tories will be shy of an overall majority by a mere eight seats : John Major will surely be back at Number 10 .
7 Avoid quiches , pasties and meat pies , but do n't be shy of the ubiquitous baked potato .
8 Given a clear run , with plenty of other values , they would almost certainly have played in 3NT , but if an adversary has overcalled in that suit they will be apprehensive of the no-trump game in case there are five immediate losers .
9 The fossil record suggests that the largest members of a phyletic series usually had the most reason to be apprehensive of the future .
10 He was not the first , or the last , Home Secretary to be apprehensive of the clamourous demands he was likely to face .
11 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
12 Analysis on these lines often has a basis in lexical studies ( the Chubin & Moitra paper suggests subject analysis of reference contents from titles cited ) , and since metaphor plays such an important part in descriptions of the citation process ( Cronin 1981 ) , there is a danger that the models may be descriptive of a meta-reality which does not truly model the actual use of citations by authors and readers .
13 This idea of type section for a particular stratigraphical division will be discussed in a later chapter ; all I must say here is that no type section known to me can possibly pretend to be representative of a whole unit of the stratigraphical column , however small .
14 If this contribution is to be representative of the burial environment within a 30 cm radius , it is best measured in situ , either using small metal capsules containing a highly TL-sensitive material buried for about one year , or using a calibrated gamma ray spectrometer .
15 Our other main sample , however , the 444 life stories recorded for an earlier project , had been deliberately chosen on the basis of a quota sample to be representative of the British population as a whole in the early twentieth century .
16 Many workers were concerned that those recruited should be representative of the community and include more men and people from ethnic minorities , particularly those with language skills .
17 The fieldwork is conducted monthly on a quota sample of two thousand individuals selected to be representative of the adult population of Great Britain ; more details about opinion polling companies and their methods are given in the appendix to this chapter .
18 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
19 Secondly , the student population may not be representative of the population as a whole .
20 The composition of any casting is not homogeneous due to variations in the specific gravity and solidifying temperature of different elements , so one sample can not be representative of the
21 Only Richard Elliott , Headmaster of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Margate , and the Reverend William Stainer , chairman of the London Schools Board Classes for the Deaf , could be said to be representative of the dominant system of education then prevailing in British schools .
22 Indeed , the odds are that if the pictures are looking good , the sound will also be recording satisfactorily and will at least be representative of the atmosphere at the particular location .
23 The criterion governing the choice has been that which has directed Ortiz 's own collecting : aesthetic quality , with the additional requirement that the works of art should be representative of the best of their culture .
24 The researcher aims to investigate a sample of the population , because this is cheaper and quicker , but the sample must be representative of the population as a whole .
25 It also allowed the commissions to be representative of the whole Church .
26 It is important to note here that the drug career patterns of ‘ known ’ users presented below can not be representative of the total user population .
27 Such resources must be compiled systematically , i.e. the corpus should be large enough to cover the requisite variety of language structures , and to be representative of the type of text to be recognised .
28 These Partnerships need to be representative of the most influential stakeholders , if the Compact is to be a success .
29 These Partnerships need to be representative of the most influential stakeholders , if the Compact is to be a success .
30 The location and other characteristics of the schools associated with the project suggested that the sample of low attainers drawn from them would be representative of the lowest 40 per cent of attainers nationally .
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