Example sentences of "be [v-ing] at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fibre helps you slim ; and we should be eating at least 30 grams a day of it .
2 However , whilst asserting that the reporting accountant should already as part of his or her duties be auditing at least two reconciliations in detail they also argued that the process was ‘ highly unlikely to reveal a great deal that the reporting accountant would not otherwise pick up during the year-end work ’ .
3 Some of chef/owner Melvin Rhodes ' recipes are included in the Les Routiers Cook Book and he will be cooking at least one of these for the lunch .
4 A new act 's problem is that if they approach an established manager , he or she will already be representing at least one major act .
5 Right I think one of the things we 'll be looking at tomorrow is learning styles and people 's preferred learning styles and what we 'll find is that people in this room you 'll all , you might have a slightly different way that you prefer to learn .
6 Most of the scriptures we 'll be looking at today is very familiar with us we know them and some of them we may be able to recite without even looking at the words , but er , if we can try and get you to think a little bit about them , then we 've achieved something , if we can get you to think that , you know , well am I dozing or am I really awake as I should be , then we 'll achieve more , in verse eleven it speaks there about er , you people knowing the season , well what people are we talking about ?
7 Which we 'll be looking at briefly in a sec .
8 Investors provide the cash expecting high returns ; to get the money , a firm must be looking at pretty profitable investment opportunities .
9 er we 'd have to insist upon a extensive landscaping compensations , erm er to in order for it to be to go ahead , er so I think the increase we would be looking at environmentally sensitive site .
10 In any case , a shotgun fired into the undertaker 's neck at close range would have made a real mess ; we would n't be looking at just a cupful of blood .
11 There are two points that I , you would be looking at normally if you were investigating it .
12 Round about , as a erm a ball park figure , because it does vary on the dealer 's claims rate , but you 'd be looking at about a hundred and seventy five .
13 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
14 In a month , she thought , in just a month , I might be looking at quite a different view .
15 A goalkeeper does not ‘ perform ’ his function in its theatrical sense , only in the sociological usage of ‘ perform ’ which we shall be looking at further in the next chapter .
16 Simply to like or dislike , be attracted or repelled , feel pleasure or pain , involves a quickening or a shrinking from awareness , a point which we shall be looking at more closely in the chapter Awareness and pleasure .
17 Erm , then it may well be for the benefit of Greater York that you might be looking at more than one settlement ?
18 It is also necessary for the firm to be operating at above minimum efficiency scale ( MES ) , the low point of the average cost curve .
19 In general those operating from grass strips ( mostly those below the best fit line ) seem to be passing at least some of the savings on to the customer .
20 This behaviour looks on the surface like a complex communication system , and the participants seem to be acting at least intelligently , even rationally .
21 Having seen him , she found it impossible to drag her eyes away from him , and her pulse seemed to be racing at twice its normal rate , making a complete nonsense of her breathing control .
22 ‘ It 's pretty fast and I expect everyone to be going at quite a lick from the start , ’ he said .
23 Robert Layton will be flying at about 2,000 feet to stay below commercial flight routes , low enough to run into bad weather , or his worst nightmare , fog as he crosses the Channel .
24 We should be getting at least to March all supplied from us now for the next three or four months it should all be from us .
25 He gave figures for four farmers who took part in an NFU lobby on the issue , showing that each would be getting at least £3,000 a year more .
26 You will be buying at far less than it will be worth in 1996 or 1997 , when the inevitable upturn means you will see a big capital appreciation . ’
27 The inflation in the early stages of the universe , which the no boundary proposal predicts , means that the universe must be expanding at very close to the critical rate at which it would just avoid recollapse , and so will not recollapse for a very long time .
28 By mid-1986 some 10 or 12 rigs should be operating in the South China Sea and by then expenditure on Chinese offshore oil could be running at around $1 billion per year .
29 The problem is compounded by increased water consumption — up by 70 per cent per head compared to 30 years ago — and leakage in the supply system , which is estimated to be running at around 20 per cent .
30 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
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