Example sentences of "be [adv] great that " in BNC.

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1 Studies were put in hand to see whether it would be practicable to deploy Blue Streak in hardened underground silos in the Welsh mountains or the Scottish highlands , but the cost was found to be so great that it would have beggared the Defence Vote , making the restoration of more efficient conventional forces impossible .
2 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
3 The length of the transition curve depends upon the total change of radius , the velocity of the engine and the permitted superelevation , bearing in mind that the cant must not be so great that if an engine is halted it will topple over .
4 Line and Sandison conclude , ‘ Variations between individual titles , of serials as well as monographs , are likely to be so great that substantial data must be collected for each individual title , perhaps in each library ( certainly in each type of library ) if weeding is to be done on a rational basis ’ .
5 It was therefore recognised that there might well be some dementia sufferers who could not be helped by this project because their needs would be so great that they would be more expensive to meet in the community than in an institution .
6 This is necessary because the psychological action on many bodily processes can be so great that even a sugar pill can have striking therapeutic effects if the person believes it will .
7 Then allow the particles to move apart in such a way that the combined wave function does not change even though the distance between the particles may be so great that there is no longer any possibility of mutual interaction : in principle this could be many kilometres .
8 His power was said to be so great that each one of the dhāmis , when possessed by him , could split an iron cooking tripod with a single blow of his naked hand .
9 The differences between them and their mainland cousins were only small , but if such changes had taken place , was it not possible that over many millions of years , the cumulative effects on a dynasty of animals could be so great that they could bring about major transformations ?
10 Those changes appear to be so great that they will certainly still be affecting readers of this text in the 1990s .
11 In fact , in extreme cases the water loss can be so great that it can be confused with a leaking pond .
12 However , if the sun were to shrink until it was only a few miles across , the bending would be so great that light leaving the sun would not get away but would be dragged back by the sun 's gravitational field .
13 and Wednesday , erm and to small degree today would pale into insignificance and really er er it might boggling to think about it , to try and erm er to draw some sense out of er demographic data for the post two thousand and six er er scenario , the uncertainty would be so great that erm that er we certainly would n't er er advice it .
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