Example sentences of "be [prep] them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you win , it will then be for them to serve an enforcement notice or injunction as appropriate .
2 It would be for them to decide what to do with our report .
3 This is the relevance of rules ; for the courts to embrace such an issue would be for them to breach the long-standing settlement with regard to the boundaries of parliamentary privilege ( see below , pp.113–19 ) and they would not do it .
4 How each generation of parliamentarians in member states will try to guide the community 's political institutions will be for them to determine .
5 The ultimate sanction may be for them to sack the person whom they regard as being mainly to blame .
6 The further west Allied aircraft could be stationed , the easier it would be for them to protect the sea lanes which were vulnerable to enemy air power based in Sicily and Crete .
7 The most usual course of action for disappointed applicants will be for them to write back to the Com
8 I mean he 's in the auction when he should be with them writing the labels .
9 But you would n't want to be without them thought would you ?
10 But it argues that , in the light of the repeated failure of the ‘ four main constitutional parties ( sic ) ’ to agree , the onus in future should be on them to settle .
11 The coolies inside the fetid dens immediately began to stretch their stiffened limbs and drag themselves off their sodden mats , knowing that within minutes the cai would be among them flailing heavy staves to rouse the laggards .
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