Example sentences of "be [adj] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 ( 188 ) You will make the foes of England be sorry you were born .
2 Okay , I just wanted to be clear we were n't finding an additional list of names of people who are authorised to do this .
3 Somehow the chap , who had plainly gone over the top , he could understand that , must be convinced they were no threat to him .
4 It was that he was beginning to understand why Aziz the janitor and his friends might be convinced he was no ordinary child .
5 To be honest it was a game we would have won 99 times out of a 100 , but this was one of those occasions when we were destined not to do it .
6 I should like to say I joined the scheme out of humanitarian concerns but to be honest it was with a view to increasing business .
7 But I did n't go to the altar ; to be honest it was n't for lack of offers , but because they always seemed to come from people I would n't have been caught dead at an altar with .
8 To be honest I was n't there , I was down at my sister 's wedding .
9 I mean , to be honest I was , I 'm not so so
10 Now you know , to be to be honest I was talking about it , I could n't tell you what the average percent is from last year .
11 To be sure they were not removing the very effect they were looking for , the researchers divided the children into groups on the basis of their lead levels .
12 It was always a favourite place of Mala 's , and I hoped to get a glimpse of her in that enticing felinoid suit , to be sure she was all right .
13 ‘ How could you be sure she was dead ? ’
14 ‘ I know how you must feel but I had to be sure you were n't another journalist out for a story . ’
15 I was worried about you , I wanted to be sure you were all right . ’
16 I just wanted to be sure you were n't trying to pull a fast one on me . ’
17 ‘ I wanted to be sure you were in .
18 ‘ I ‘ ad to be sure you were n't a German . ’
19 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
20 ‘ You old son of a bitch , ’ he said in a relaxed idle way , and he leaned forward and grabbed my arm to be sure I was n't an hallucination .
21 I knew you would n't be expecting me , but I really — I needed to see you , too , ’ he confessed , ‘ just to be sure I was still alive . ’
22 To be sure it was always recognized that in certain circumstances , such as those involving deceit , or an intention to cause harm or to exploit , one is responsible for inducing another to act .
23 ‘ How can you be sure it was only one ? ’ the thin man asked doubtfully but clutching at a straw of hope .
24 By the time we had heard of anything you could be sure it was over .
25 Several people said it was , to be sure it was , and did n't it make a plain man flinch .
26 One of the older Gnomes , who had a face like a wrinkled nutcracker and bright twinkly eyes , asked would a bit of magic be of any use anywhere , because was n't magic a powerful thing when you had a difficulty , and the other Gnomes said to be sure it was .
27 ‘ But we ca n't be sure it was n't murder — yet .
28 ‘ There was a rare scandal a few years ago , though to be sure it was hushed up very swiftly — but some of us heard of it , naturally . ’
29 Somehow a favourite dress or toy of Paige 's would be damaged , but she had done it with such guile that her parents could never be sure it was intentional .
30 The house was still sitting — to be sure it was .
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